
i would rather have the opinion of two, three if i'm lucky, people who absolutely get what i'm doing and who want to talk to me about it than ten crits from people who are just ... opinioning.
The big thing is “tons of feedback” is the trap that so many folks fall into. You don’t want a dozen opinions. You want two or three GOOD opinions.
I always find in workshop that one or maybe two readers are on my wavelength and the rest, while well-intentioned, are not. So to all those kind enough to comment thoughtfully, I nod and say, Good point! Thank you! Once workshop is over, I take the input of those prized readers and toss the rest.
I think I learned that the hard way over the years and trying to remember, I'm not sure if it was the earliest critique group I joined or where I got this message -- but there was definitely this pervasive "if you don't get 10+ responses, you're doing it wrong" energy and I think that's messed up