
honestly the fact that this decision is handed down *now* is also shouting "We're doing whatever we want because Joe Biden is too chickenshit to use the tool we just put down for Trump. What's he gonna do? Except nothin'." I double dog dare you to be the biggest troll in America, Joe.
I honestly believe that a lot of conservative strategizing is based on the correct assumptions that liberals would never be as ruthless as they are.
Oh, that would be the best outcome. Go full berserk on those who dismantle democracy, then put things right. A fairy tale.
it's not as tidy as that and I know it
Can I just be illusional about it for another then minutes before nodding to that? I'm maybe a bit scared for the world right now. 😳
yes. absolutely. either we freak out and hide under the bed or we just rest in the idea of something better for a bit, be it bitingly funny, idealistic, or just mad. I think the latter's a good choice, honestly, because it's easier to step to action.
Let's see what mischief Dark Brandon can get up to!
Let's Gooo! 📢⚖️🧑‍🔧