
HEY HELP you know how you say "My fellow Americans" or "My fellow writers" is there a not-gendered word I can use there? I realize that it's supposedly gender neutral but I wish for a gender inclusive choice. did anyone ever coin something?
I'm curious about this because it never occurred to me to hear that usage as gendered! (I know "fellow" _has_ gendered usages but that and particularly the academic usages just don't hit that way for me.)
I'm one of those people for whom "dude" is genuinely not gendered (no, not even in the classic gotcha-cases everyone cites). I once had a longer thread and a big discussion on this on the other site.
Bottom line is, it genuinely can vary by the individual. But if a word is gendered for SOME people, I try to avoid it even if it isn't for me personally.
I'm definitely fine with dude, personally, but yeah, it varies. and I find that I want to be more explicitly gender inclusive on certain occasions, and speeches are one of those occasions.