Devin Singer

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Devin Singer

Community and Social Media Management, SF writing, extremely queer. she/her, more or less
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genuinely hopeful sign that every big name GOP garbage monster is frantically trying to distance themselves from Project Say The Quiet Part Loud In an Easily-Digestible Bullet Point Format About Which There Can Be No Confusion. this means we should all absolutely continue never shutting up about it
It is probably cynical of me but I think the local (small-town) CVS doesn't lock up any of their products because the lease in the shitty strip mall is too cheap to be worth trying to get out of.
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I came to my 14 year old with a concern about social media. He literally took his glasses off, rubbed his temples, and asked: “what have the moms on the internet said now?” 😯🫤😆
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It really is making *me* feel crazy to see a bunch of other Democrat voters running around screaming about how Biden is now unelectable, on the basis of one bad debate and an incredibly obvious ratfucking campaign by America’s most craven newspaper.
We _vastly_ overplanted raspberries when we moved in, and thus are constantly in a low-level conflict with the brambles that would like to reenact Sleeping Beauty, but for a couple of months it's absolutely decadent to be able to step outside and eat all the fruit I want.
This one always startles me for the opposite reason. I always assumed self-talk was a metaphor - there's no voice in my head unless I consciously put it there. I can! It's not like aphantasia. But I don't think in words by default. (And with word-remembering tasks, I mutter out loud.)
Few things in life have shocked me as profoundly as learning some people have no inner voice/monologue. I’ve always thought I was pretty good at putting myself in other’s shoes, but this is a thing, in literal terms, I can’t fathom, at all. Veritably alien to me
We Used to Think Everybody Heard a Voice Inside Their Heads – But We Were A mysterious new condition emerges.
Pronouns: She/her Height 5'6" Shoe size 42 Smoke: no, edibles, yes Tattoos: numerous, usually colorful, and occasionally ill-advised Piercings: One surviving out of a depressing number of attempts Fave Drink: Red Bull in the mornings, a nice peaty scotch in the evenings
What the hell, I saw it, and I'll do it. Pronouns: He/Him Height 0.008712 Furlongs Shoe size US Army 7W Smoke: Meats Tattoos: Only permanent bruising from an injury Piercings: No Fave Drink:... variable, Ginger Beer, Latte, and Rum decoctions are all known to be "the thing".
Reposted byAvatar Devin Singer
10 years ago when I wrote my short story about the Torment Nexus, I was... actually a little concerned that people were going to start creating the Torment Nexus, but this is a bit ahead of timeline. (Also I think this is a VC grift, but still, maybe nope.)
oh my god now there's a "future of prison" startup that says it will use AI and brain implants to plant fake memories into the brains of criminals, "rehabilitating" them in minutes instead of years and I am going to spend the rest of the day screaming now
Cognify: Revolutionary Prison Concept Uses AI and Brain Implants to Fast-Track Criminal Discover how AI and brain implants are transforming rehabilitation. Read more on Cognify's innovative prison concept now!
Read a Creepy Sci-Fi Short Story About Fixing Murderers’ This short story appears in the anthology Hieroglyph: Stories & Visions for a Better Future. On Thursday, Oct. 2, Future Tense—a partnership of Slate, ...
Damn I make good cornbread.
Goodreads literally has ten+ years of my reading history. Why do its promo emails never show me anything new that I actually want to read? Half the time it doesn't even send me SF stuff.
This is a former coworker of mine, an incredibly sweet person who has now lost all her possesions and her father in a horrifying car accident. I hope very much folks can help her start to recover.
Help Mary & Family Rebuild after Tragic Loss, organized by Kendra We’re writing to you today to ask for support for our dear friend Mary Raso… Kendra Wilson needs your support for Help Mary & Family Rebuild after Tragic Loss
Viv is great and these books are great - highly recommended.
HELLO BLUESKY I am here from what was once the twitters, with an announcement: BITTER WATERS is out today on audio and ebook!
Come on, folks, you can't demand that the community make every decision and then get mad when presented with decisions for the community to make. (This is also a subskeet.)
This is related to why I am not part of online communities that aren't small groups of my offline friends. 20+ years in T&S and all my professional reflexes are too alienating.
What most ppl mean when they think “trust and safety team” is the equivalent of a discord server mod who is their friend and agrees with their personal politics and whose main job is managing interpersonal relationships w/in their friend community, and when this doesn’t happen the T&S team is “bad”
I cackled *extremely* hard through this story.
The Sunday Morning Transport peers into the past through many lenses today with a story from Ng Yi-Sheng that documents the testimonies of Dinomancy practitioners, as that practice evolves before our very eyes. Read a sample or subscribe!
The Dinomancers This week, Ng Yi-Sheng documents the testimonies of Dinomancy practitioners, as that practice evolves before our very eyes. ~ Julian and Fran, June 23, 2024. This month’s stories are by authors Kelly ...
This is a really good thread that's nominally about Bluesky labelers but is mostly just about how moderation works, period. I particularly appreciate the distinction between objective and "vibes-based" moderation, because I think it's the heart of one of the big problems of scale. (1/x)
I have finally finished my fucking endless thread about labeling. Here's the end so you can scroll up from it.
Reports from my trash palate: Baja Fiery Mango Doritos are... not bad? If you like mango-flavored candy powder and a lot of heat on a corn chip. Can't say I'd take them over Sweet Chili (and definitely not over normal chips and even a mediocre mango salsa) but not bad.
So before my trip, I spent quite a bit of time trying to replace my lost and no-longer-made notebook. Went to three different stores, petted a lot of paper, talked with the nice art supply guy, found a reasonable if imperfect substitution. Unpacked my bag today post-trip and guess what materialized
Man my favorite part of being in the science fiction writing community is watching fantastic people become successful. It doesn't happen every time, or as always as is deserved, but I treasure every occasion.
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Kendrick Lamar teaches us that, in public debate, refuting your opponent's arguments point by point is less effective than identifying your opponent's single greatest weakness and maintaining message discipline.
I cannot recommend alcohol as a solution to much at all but I have to say getting properly drunk amongst people I trust is a lovely feeling after a very stressful couple of years.
Wait, Broadsword is now running The Old Republic? How did I miss that?
Does anyone know offhand of a quick way to get a thread with all the images from Twitter onto somewhere else? I can recreate it by hand if I need, but if there's a two-button solution somewhere I'd prefer it.
When I first got into community management I thought having an open venue for the community to complain to the staff was a bizarre and stupid idea. Then I worked at a place that had it, and came around. Then I worked there a while longer, and no, I was right the first time. Yes, this is a subskeet.
See a tux, post a tux. A rare triple tux pic - our dear departed Quill, top, Harriet, middle, and Wimsey, on the ground.
See a tux, post a tux. This is Duncan! (And his litter mate Gurney, of course)
I liked the first one, the second was unbelievably powerful, and I have the third one sitting in the pile of "I need to have some emotional fortitude to tackle this" books. Highly recommend.
Our media environment makes it a living hell to try to alert readers that a new book in a series is out, especially if it's been a couple of years since the last (TRUST ME I KNOW) so I'm doing my part: Book 3 of the sci-fi series by Apostles of Mercy, is out NOW:
Dammit my preferred writing notebook doesn't *quite* exist anymore and I am going to be real mad if the post-corporate-merger version isn't as goo. Maybe I should schlep out to the art-supply-store-slash-cocktail-bar and see if they have them to poke at. Wait. Yes. I should do that.
I have too many undone projects at the moment but I really want the analysis of how modern creative communities operate on very similar principles.
I don't know if he's on here but in case he isn't, Nathan Goldwag wrote a blog essay on "The Moral Economy of the Shire" looking at how a society can function based on custom & clientalism rather than the state and you should read it, it's fantastic.
The Moral Economy of the Who paid for this? There's a certain meme that I see making the rounds on Facebook every so often about the bucolic nature of life in the Shire, from Tolkien's The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, an...
Celebratory brownies are in the oven.