
I support and appreciate what you’re trying to do here. Really. But jeez, I wish I had enough free time to worry about how to replace a non-gendered word like “fellow.” Writing must be a constant, tortured tiptoe through minefield for you. There’s always “y’all.”
I want to gently ask what you feel this reply contributes to answering the question posed?
I don't think they understood the context/circumstance. I didn't explictly say why I was asking, and not everyone who stumbles across a post of mine knows what I do for money.
You are far more generous than I am to someone who basically said “I don’t have the time to care about language, though I have time to mock your caring.”
I mean maybe that's what it meant. I read it like "I don't understand why this matters to you; from my viewpoint, it seems small." And I get that! in general, it's a small detail. In my personal and very specific instance, I'm trying to communicate precisely and intentionally.