
Students, and parents, employers and professors: take note. “The better writer you are, the greater your chance of getting rejected, because you won't use keywords."
I put my key words in bullet points at the top of my resume.
Honest question: does that seem to be successful? I teach business writing courses and this is something I am sincerely grappling with right now when I teach resume design.
Enlist the aid and guidance of the relevant career centers at the schools where you teach. Partner with them on a résumé writing assignment or run a workshop with them. Even though they're prob under resourced, they'll likely be happy to help and may surprise.
Good idea. I've done that when I teach in-person. This is an asynchronous online course, but maybe I could get them top record a tutorial for the fall class. I'm very grateful for all of these suggestions, and I'll be tweaking my current resume assignment based ion them.
Coming off the COVID lockdowns, many career centers have better capacity for supporting students via online and asynchronous tools. I hope you've got good partners to work with. Feel free to message me if I can help.