Career Quartermaster

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Career Quartermaster

Paid to do uni career dev, meddler in tech's impact on hiring, employment, and society at large.
Google’s emissions are up 48% in 5 years. Microsoft’s are up 30% since 2020. Those soaring figures are being driven by mass investments in data centers to power AI tools. Generative AI is a climate disaster and data center expansion must be stopped.
Generative AI is a climate Tech companies are abandoning emissions pledges to chase AI market share
“The automated ammunition dispenser uses artificial intelligence technology to verify a buyer’s identification and age through card scanning and facial recognition software.” 💀
Vending machines selling bullets at grocery American Rounds offers vending machines, powered by artificial intelligence, that are selling ammo for guns at grocery stores in Alabama and Oklahoma.
#DESIGNJUSTICEAI opens Day 6 w/ an emerging scholar panel from Kingsley Owadara on Indigenous Data Sovereignty and Favour Borokini on Human Subjectivities Interact w/ Mediating Tech
Wasn’t going to wade into discourse on here again yet but let me just say, the jokes and threats (or whatever they are) from U.S. folks of relative privilege about leaving the country give away a lot of how people locate themselves, or rather don’t, in relation to neighbors and community.
One of the most revealing things to come from the “ai” push is these bros’ limited vision of humanity. Saying “what are we, collectively, as an organism of humans, other than a knowledge, an intellectual production engine” isn’t profound, but it does explain why you think “ai” is the pinnacle.
Microsoft AI CEO explains why the economics of information are about to 'radically change' Microsoft AI chief Mustafa Suleyman said at the Aspen Ideas Festival that AI is going to "turbocharge" our capacity to produce knowledge.
The demise of Chevron is being widely interpreted as an expansion of judicial power. It is that, but it also and more profoundly an expansion of power of moneyed interests.
The Money What the fall of Chevron deference means for state capacity
“The settlement between Robert Williams and the city of Detroit was filed in federal court on Friday and the case dismissed. In May, Detroit City Council approved paying Williams $300,000 for damages as part of the settlement.”
Man wrongfully arrested by Detroit police with facial recognition tech settles Robert Williams sued the Detroit Police Department after facial recognition technology wrongly identified him as a theft suspect.
If you care about the way AI is steamrolling environmental concerns you might be interested in this (free, online) conference happening in July—program just posted, and link to register:
Rethinking the Inevitability of
Wrapping 2 days on the #NACE virtual conference. Disheartening to see so many desperate to adopt "AI" (they mean ChatGPT) but who prior to 12/22 had 0 interest in talking impact of algos. Now they're parroting nonsense & bromides w/ no research but an abundance of confidence. Cog bias list is long.
something I really enjoy about living through the junktech era is every day I get to log in and watch a heated competition between the worst products you’ve ever imagined to see who can embarrass themselves the most
some interesting numbers entering tonight's debate: 38% 33% 77% (+/- 3 points) 18% among likely voters and unlikely voters 31% among likely voters AND unlikely voters 54% among those surveyed (margin of error: %, source: 87%)
no, I don't want to scan a qr code or download an app to order food at your restaurant/cafe... really don't want to have to deal with cookies and trackers, especially not when I'm tired and grumpy. just give me the goddammed physical menu
Sit with this. Then restart anyway. We’re seeing a summer surge. If you’ve restarted let folks know—here and elsewhere. Let them know it is NEVER too late to start caring about people in an ongoing disaster. Be the cavalry as the front lines fall, not the quislings. We are fighting for our lives.
I also think another part is that people tend to believe they are "good people" who "do what is right" so I think a lot of people are struggling to start masking again because it would mean they have made decisions that probably killed someone in the last 4 years for their own temporary comfort.
University of Colorado Boulder is ending their relationship with Proctorio. 1,403 people signed a petition calling for them to stop the use of Proctorio. Congratulations to all CU Boulder students. 🎉 Petition: News Link:
Sign the I am a student and IT student employee at CU Boulder. I and many other students have complained about the privacy, security, and accessibility concerns of using the service Proctorio. This petition is...
The AI facility in Musk’s new Gigafactory in Texas will house 50,000 Nvidia H100 GPUs. Each one consumes about 3,740 kWh annually. So *just to power the GPUs,* Musk will need 187GWh per year. This is higher annual consumption than some entire countries.
“Even as tech companies speak of AI products as though they are actually intelligent, even humanlike or creative, they are fundamentally statistics machines connected to the internet—and flawed ones at that.”
Google Is Turning Into a Libel Another reason not to trust the search engine in the generative-AI era
If anyone from the media or a licensing company asks for permission to use your pic/vid, ask them about 1: compensation 2: exclusive or non-exclusive 3: the length of the license’s period 4: for which platforms. The ppl who do the initial outreach aren’t allowed to offer $ unless you ask /2
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
The Federal Trade Commission, of all entities, is out here writing absolute bangers about AI snake oil.
“Remember that generative AI is not once and done…You’re going to continue to push compute, and build models that are larger, and so you will have to continue to upgrade devices in order to keep up with the pace of generative AI.” 😩
The officer in question made frequent use of Clearview AI's facial recognition technology for personal reasons, often employing the tech to track down social media users not linked to any crimes
Cop busted for unauthorized use of Clearview AI facial recognition Indiana cop easily hid frequent personal use of Clearview AI face scans.
You’ve got a little boy. He shows you his Metaverse legs collection plus the killing jar You’re watching television. Suddenly you realize Gemini is crawling on your arm You’re in a desert walking along in the sand when all of the sudden you look down, & you see Sam Altman, he's crawling toward you
We’ve reached the Voight-Kampff test stage of “ai” detection in student writing. “The tool’s AI bot asks students five questions about choices they made while completing an assignment. Depending on the answers, the bot may ask five more questions. It then sends the answers to the instructor.”
Another AI plagiarism detector comes on the edtech Institutional interest prompted the creation of the new AI tools even as debate rages over AI verification.