
Polls predicted a loss and the people said different. Important reminder.
BREAKING NEWS: Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which instead came in third in initial results as polling stations closed.
Projections in France's election show voters rejecting the far Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which ...
It helped that they had a plan for if they gained any power
Also helps that certain parties dropped out a few days before the election to make a stronger case for the ones to vote for.
Tactical voting and the structure of the electoral system mattered a lot.
As always, polls and statistics are biased and skewed to fit the narrative of the people who share them. The billionaire owned media never shares polls and statistics for any purpose other than to serve propaganda purposes. We shouldn't trust them as an honest representation of public opinion.
Parties undertook a historically unprecedented gamble to block the right and it worked.
It's also worth remembering that this outcome is specifically geared for in the French elections system. Vote your heart in round 1, vote your head in round 2. There have been lots of round 1 scares over the years. But still... totally agree. Great win today for liberalism.
I think it's a win for both French leftists and centrists who've chosen unity over division. I truly wish Americans would learn from this and put their ego aside for the greater good.
It’s almost as if polls have no standards and are complete junk. Probably better than CNN’s though.
It’s always ‘we, the people’. In this case: ‘oui, the people’. Let’s hope the US people decide they don’t want a king or felon.
It depressed me to no end that if the same happened here, the right would be screaming election fraud on the basis of the same kind of shoddy polling.
Meanwhile the NYT says "here's this is why it's bad for the non-fascists" as usual
Fascism is the product, The NYT is the commercial.
Same thing just happened in Iran. People thought a zealot - Jalili, was a foregone conclusion because that’s who the Supreme Leader wanted. The people showed up in the runoff and voted for a moderate - Pezeshkian, instead.
Which is why democracy itself is what far right conservatives are attacking so hard. They are not going to leave it to the American people!
Polls predicted a Modi landslide in India, which didn't happen, a decisive National Rally win in France, which didn't happen and the demolition of the Conservatives in the UK, which did happen. So, one out of three. The predictive power of polls is definitely limited.
How do you say “Nate Cohn” in French?