
This is hilarious. In his defense, though, it makes no sense to most people that Trump is still a free man if he actually committed those crimes. We heard it on the Georgia phone recording! But we aren't willing to make him pay for it. So it must not be a crime.
Future Trump WH spokesman Catturd2 with the least predictable take on the French election results.
Willing to bet $100,000.00 that his “they” is spelled (((…)))
'Catturd.' My, what an appropriate self-description... My guess is, this guy's actually PROUD of it.
Its amazing that they believe their disgustingly abhorrent worldview is so popular they are the "silent majority" No dude. In the states media gives weight and time to your lies and ignorance as to those speaking the truth. For example: 60 mins, havanah syndrome ep. from last night.