
Recall a time when someone came to your aid, stood up for you, showed you an unexpected kindness. Hold on to those memories, for they are dear. Strive every day to make someone else feel the way you did in that moment.
// I wrote this when my father passed away several years ago. His birthday would have been tomorrow, and I miss him and all his support and kindness.
Glory to you. And your house.
// I was going to write some ridiculous answer in ALF's voice, and then I saw this. I've lost both my parents. I get it. Best to you, Coach, this weekend.
// Thank you. Rest assured I always enjoy smartassery from ALF, any time!
In a way, you just introduced us all to your dad - by your great advice, I now know that he was an incredible person. Thanks!
Thanks for popping my shoulder back in multiple times today Coach
I know this full well, Coach. It also aids you in knowing who your true friends are.
Avatar is never going to forget all the help you've given him dealing with the waste extraction system, Coach. All the advice. Stress testing.