
There is no honor in making others struggle solely because you did. Persevering through difficulty is worth celebrating, but is often worth even more if you can lessen the burden for those who come after you, especially those less fortunate, less privileged. That way lies glory.
Agreed. My x always said that it was so hard for him and it should be that hard for everyone else, he turned out fine, see? No, you didn't turn out fine. Jackwagon.
My husband used to be, like, "I worked 2 jobs while going to college and never was sure I'd have enough for the bills, our son will do the same" then when he went to social work school at age 50, first semester they teach about the damage that kind of stress does. He comes home all enlightened...
Like, "do you know what physical health problems are worsened by doing that, how much poorer the education, socioeconomic, and health outcomes are?!?!?" So our son just graduated pharmacy school with no student loans 😄, working only during school breaks.
Exactly. If we’re not here to use all the advancements that we’ve gathered over millennia to ease the collective suffering of current and future generations, then literally speaking, what’s even the point of having a society?
"Now all shall suffer, as I have suffered!" - The Skeleton King from Diablo 3, and a shitload of other villains. Seriously. No good guy has EVER said this.
My favorite story in Buddhism and maybe all religion is about how a group traveling in the woods hits a wall and can't move forward. They try everything and eventually they give up. They set up camp next to the wall, spend days there, and then finally one party member figures out a way over.
The rest of the party watches him clamber over, and imitating him, they too find a way over the wall. Until the last party member stops to think; if she goes over no one will be there to tell people how to make it over. So she stays. And as travelers come by she tells them how to make it over.
But that means you can’t be a Republican! All they ever care about is their own money!!!
Glory I am not sure of but this is the right thing to do 😇
damn coach damn this is coalescing some thoughts that have been banging around in my brain rock on
my therapist thanks you from the future
I agree! It's a ladder, and going up you should clear the steps for whoever comes next