Ferne Milton, CobbleSprite (She/Her)

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Ferne Milton, CobbleSprite (She/Her)


Ennie Award winning #ttrpg Designer at @CobblePath
Available for hire as Creative Freelancer or consultant.

I want to play more different RPGs. Anyone running games not inspired by the 6 stats d20 system? I love old school inspired games but I feel like trying other things this summer.
Holy shit I just found out that Grummz, that right wing gamer chud was the guy who destroyed Firefall... What an asshole, that game was one I really enjoyed!
Stacks of Goblins has seen a few sales recently and I'm wondering if it's been featured or mentioned somewhere!? Seems so random tbh...
Love the #TTRPG collection in your Itchio's library? Here's now a DIRECT and SIMPLE way to give them the FIVE STARS they deserve. 🤩 Head to: itch.io/library/thin... A kind word also boosts the designer's morale in our troubled times. #indiettrpg
We’ve returned to the olden days, when word-of-mouth was the only real way to advertise. As an author, if you enjoy a book, please: tell your friends. Your group chat, your sewing circle, your family WhatsApp, your work Slack, the voice channel of your MMORPG guild, anything.
Hey, so. I understand that this is anecdotal and not research, but. It is WILD how useless social media has become for promo. It's a fucking disgrace, really.
Loving how all the election summaries talk about how Reform now has 4 seats but none seem to mention that Green do too... Great country A+. *sigh*
Only 3 days left to vote for us in the CRIT Awards! Still blown away to be nominated. If you liked our witch, spells, art or layout, consider us, we'd be so appreciative! tinyurl.com/Crit-Awards-24 If you haven't seen it, get 10% off when you enter CRIT at checkout! tinyurl.com/Ritual-Spellbook
Got a comment on our Itch page about CRIT award's denuciation of the Genocide in Gaza. We deleted that comment as we didn't want to leave such disinformation there but we just want to make it clear: Denouncing the Gazan Genocide is not Antisemetic. CobblePath stands with the CRIT Awards
Rascal is launching its first pledge drive! We are a worker-owned, reader-supported outlet; we don't sell ads, data, or information. We just write about games. Here are some ways to support the drive and keep three bardpunk dirtbag journos writing about TTRPGs: www.rascal.news/rascal-pledg...
I know that all sterotypes about certain types of drivers and things like that are always safe to treat as tongue in cheek but good god... I swear that any fucking time I see a driver doing something just egregiously selfish and dangerous it's a solid bet they are in a fucking Audi.
It’s #TTRPGRising – Help those starting to rise, Rise, RISE! Under 500 Followers: 🧡 Like/repost 💬 Engage More than 500 Followers: 🧡 Like/repost 📣 Shoutout those on the rise
Tonight! A Tales From the Loop & Things From the Flood actualplay. “TcTk” 9:00 PM ET twitch.tv/zealzaddy @ghostcandle.bsky.social @mindflayedmondays.bsky.social @empathicgrimm.bsky.social @blakefrancis.bsky.social X/robosardi & Dungeon_Damsels
Tickets are extremely lmited for this event but the Larp will be launching proper in 2025. You can read some rules previews to see if you think it would be for you here: drive.google.com/drive/folder...
Preview folder - Google Drivedrive.google.com
I wish to share with you all. Geo. He was sleeping like this, completely still. Goofy boi.
so i have in my hands the final five copies of the once-celebrate IN*DIE ZINE, a variety ttrpg zine which was briefly published quarterly. if you want one, let me know. they're free; you only have to pay shipping and fees (by PayPal).
I am so excited and hype for running our Larp preview in August.. But I consistently get just utter dread about not enough people coming or something going wrong arrrgh.
I do not use and am not particularly familiar with the phrase gameable lore, but maybe you are and have some insights you'd be willing to share?
I plan on revisiting my old thread on Twitter as a Substack article. Back in 2020, I asked the ttrpgs community to define what they mean by "gameable lore", and I'd like to ask y'all the same question. Please RT this if you don't want to respond, and if you DO want to respond, reply here!
I plan on revisiting my old thread on Twitter as a Substack article. Back in 2020, I asked the ttrpgs community to define what they mean by "gameable lore", and I'd like to ask y'all the same question. Please RT this if you don't want to respond, and if you DO want to respond, reply here!
I wish to share with you all. Geo. He was sleeping like this, completely still. Goofy boi.
Oh yay a dlc for a game I love is out and I can't afford it. guess I'll not be on socials for a while then bye
More than 500,000 books have been removed from our lending library due to the publishers’ lawsuit, including more than 1,300 banned and challenged titles. 📚🕳️ Sign our open letter to the publishers urging them to restore access to these books. 📖✍️ #LetReadersRead 👉 blog.archive.org/2024/06/17/l...
they got title card wrong its best innovator in ttrpg space but im a finalist you can vote for me soon all month im just honoured and shocked to be in it #critawards #ttrpgs #disabled
Has anyone else run across the thing where people (In my case parents) clearly just don't believe a single thing you ever say and so they just don't commit it to memory at all?
Super Super excited to be able to announce that we've been nominated for the Indie ttrpg CRIT award! Obviously we would LOVE to have your vote this you should definitely check out all the nominees! You can go vote for any and all of the awards at this link: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1F...
My “What-if Hells” artwork has been nominated for ✨Best Fan Art✨ in the Crit Awards!🤩 If you like my work, and this fanart series in particular, please consider voting for me (and for all your fave TTRPG folks!🙌): Voting form here: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1F...
Posting like this to avoid bots! (Are there bots on this site yet?)
Super Super excited to be able to announce that we've been nominated for the Indie ttrpg CRIT award! Obviously we would LOVE to have your vote this you should definitely check out all the nominees! You can go vote for any and all of the awards at this link: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1F...