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Twitter refugee … tired millennial dad … need more coffee
I KNOW!!!! This is bad bc they are stuck. The only thing to do is see this thing through bc there are no good options. Bc the good options were there 18 months ago but people didn’t want to do it out of fear. Well here we are
Again! There is no good choice now except to stick with it GOP SoS / Courts will sabotage last min replacement GOP house will sabotage new VP Again this was entirely predictable and we are stuck. So shut up about it
I swear dumbest party Only way to do this is for him to resign — if he won’t do that voluntarily just shut up
Going to spend 8 weeks trying to get him out only for it to be Harris and GOP SoS / Judges sabotage the ballots across the country Just superb idea
Literally the moment for this was 18 months but all the Dems were too cowardly to run against the old man and say “hey he is old need a new person” which would’ve worked! It very obviously would’ve worked! Except they are all cowards
We voted against it and won in ‘18 and 2020! Again in ‘22! Not our fault that the Dem leaders keep pissing it away
I love how the best ideas for what the Dems should do appear on social media — some low ranking person brings it to the people in charge — they scoff then 6 months later they try Would once like some urgency and alacrity of motion
Can guarantee Starmer won’t recognize
Funny how in hindsight a bunch of Twitter was dominated by paid for bots and troll farms — creating fake media clout. There was even a lawsuit against Zack Snyder alleging he paid for tweets to justify his Snyder cut
If this is just whose line is it anyway why can’t you just NOpE
Yup! Probably a mistake but there will be more of those not less
That’s what I thought … they definitely should do this but in fear that they profited from FPP so will keep it … at least rank choice should be done
My understanding is that the UK was largely a 2 party system but for several years now a multi party system has been trying to break out
Also US history is basically all taught as one person doing things so you can’t blame normies for thinking that’s how it works Heck Ginny Thomas thought / thinks there is some secret powerful cabal of “them” not realizing she’s IN the cabal
This is like winning a great tactical victory but without a strategy with what to do with the win it may all be for naught
I mean you’d think they will be in over drive to do big reforms as this is a once in a generation moment but they will talk themselves into doing nothing thinking it will work out again
Having the largest majority in your history by offering nothing and letting the other party explode in disgust is not a good sign for things to come
Serious question is political Judaism becoming a right wing religion similar to Evangelicals
Always had subordinates fighting Reversing positions Listening to certain party activists then not
Also people have been organizing against this SINCE 2016 — we’ve delivered 3 electoral victories and yet we seem to be losing? Maybe the people we’ve put in charge on morons?
Very true but Democrat leaders have spent copious amounts of energy to reduce party activism since BLM in 2020
Went to a protest to oppose GOP takeover of Houston Independent School District — lead organizers were NAACP and BLM with one other new group — so yeah
And are thus on invested in minimizing it to maintain their intellectual perch
Pretty much every Republican thinks this until they slightly disagree and then Bane is turned on them
Isn’t this an argument for doing a bunch of stuff in quick succession and just be like “well it’s official” they can try to stop you but cats out of the bag
As someone who actually read US history as opposed to the veggie tales version that we tell each other at holidays what is happening and is about to happen has a clear precedents in post-reconstruction America.
Constitutional law - “here watch 60 min of Fox News this week write a summary you are done”
Democrats have no one to blame but themselves Trump appointees liter the government The Biden admin has adopted Trump policies whole cloth The party has been meek and fearful Part of me just wants to get it over with like a bad relationship