
I choose to believe that those 22% were all just being pedantic about the definition of the word “shell” and whether a cell membrane constitutes a shell. Because the alternative is just too disquieting.
"in a poll in August 2020 whether it was true that “most women get their period on the first of the month,” 75 percent got the right answer — false — but a notable 21 percent said they were “not sure.”" It's definitely not 22% being pedantic.
To analyze it beyond a joke (either how dumb those dudes are or how I don’t want to live in a world where that number of people think that) we’d need to look at the actual surveys the article is referring to and I’m having trouble finding either.
I have had to explain to a pregnant woman that no, eating spicy food will not burn your fetus’s eyes; and no, your fetus cannot choke on popcorn kernels if you eat popcorn. I would bet real money that that number is really accurate.
That’s what’s weird about it. In the first example in the article 75% were correct, 21% weren’t sure, leaving only 4% having been confident in the wrong answer? As you point out, wouldn’t we expect way more than that?
25% not knowing something that is pretty basic science/information falls right in line with other research