Jason Snyder

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Jason Snyder


Metamodern localist | contemplative practice, homesteading, agroecology, networked bioregionalism | Doomer Optimism
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Geeking out about the aesthetics of this cabbage and broccoli bed in different lighting a couple hours apart
If I could pass any 10 policies, this is what they would be: 1. Phase out ag and fossil fuel subsidies 2. 10x budget for NRCS, fund holistic watershed governance 3. Stronger chemical reg vis a vis safety 4. Grants for field schools & community land trusts 5. Resource extraction taxes
Most critiques of 'degrowth' are pretty uninformed, but it's kind of their fault. A better framing is *regeneration*, discernment as to what we want to grow / degrow. We want to grow ecological health and well being...we want to degrow extractive / wasteful linear throughput
Markets on their own evolve into capitalism and destroy communities and the planet. Markets embedded in the commons have the potential of being harnessed for the common good
My 5 year old already loves when we read Calvin and Hobbes even though so much of it goes over his head, can't wait to keep reading and for him to continually discover new layers
Looks like we'll be getting some grapes and apples this year
Lush green after 2 days of rain. Most garden beds have something coming up
*Logs into Bluesky* some kind of war going on, close Bluesky and get back to homestead chores
We built this treehouse for our kids, but it doubles as a meditation and siesta spot
Two of the biggest challenges for the local food system where I live are 1) the ability for young would be farmers to access land, and 2) the lack of labor because all the people who would want to work on a farm can't afford the housing and cost of living
Attending a local Food Security and Sustainable Agricultural workshop today, multiple segments of the local food system represented. Lots of complexity, solidarity, and successes/challenges expressed. This is prefiguration...
I fell in love and got married at 22, 17 years ago today. We have supported each other, co-evolved together, lived in 4 states together, traveled the world together, had kids together, and are now homesteading together. There is nothing to lose in committing to someone, career takes care of itself
Wife is taking a week long work trip out of the country, and the 5-year old wanted to make a butterfly garden for when she gets back. And so we did The 2nd level bed will be another project for another day
Pre and post pandemic are completely different worlds, but it will take a while to figure out all the details of exactly how
Run the Jewels 4 is still the best album of the decade
The movie Don't Look Up made some insightful observations but we need a companion movie Don't Look Down, on people's attachments to techno-fix thinking preventing them from noticing the soil beneath their feet and embracing their necessary role as a land steward
A couple great twitter accounts just joined Bluesky, @jdj.bsky.social and @anark.bsky.social. Show them some love!
Meditation to deconstruct the false sense of self and prayer to reconstruct the harmonious being
Reposted byAvatar Jason Snyder
Great chat. Interesting to hear a glimpse near the end of Daniel’s ideas for what a better world might look like
New DO episode with Daniel Schmachtenberger, Gregory Landua, and myself where we discuss tech and nature, multipolar traps / x-risk, eco-credits, local resilience, and more https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/doomer-optimism/episodes/DO-140---Gregory-Landua-and-Daniel-Schmachtenberger-e23shhi
New rule: you're not allowed to be an intellectual unless you engage in regular productive physical labor
Spring is constant low level bodily soreness and cuts and scrapes season on the homestead
I like listening to the galaxy brains as much as the next person but it's important to evaluate whether such an activity expands or contracts your sense of agency. If it's 'all too complex' to even begin then you're listening to them wrong
So far I like the vibe of Bluesky, feels cozy. But I have to say, it is lacking in substantive content, at least my feed. Won't replace twitter for me until this changes
Finished first round of planting basically everything I wanted to get in. Still have plenty of bed space left to tinker with. It's always something to think about the massive amount of ecological intelligence and potential in that soil, ready to shape the surrounding substrate according to its logic
In the garden we inevitably get volunteer plants in the beds from previous years. My view is, if they want to grow there, they get to (seen here: potato and mustard green)
This is a great thread. I have a lot of interest in the potentials of community land trusts to enable broad-scale access to land and regenerative stewardship, and this provides some important historical context https://twitter.com/todd_x_y/status/1657101332195561479
It is our view that if humans are going to survive the future they will need to move towards bioregional patterns of organization. This is a good primer on bioregionalism for those who are interested: https://earth.org/bioregionalism/