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exploring oïkos & right relationship, mindfulness, art, poetry, solarpunk 🌞
You thought Twitter didn't represent the general population, oh boy do I have good news for you
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high in the bur oak branches raining acorns down on my detractors with extreme prejudice
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Discourse around misinformation doesn't always line up w/ our research team's findings re: how falsehoods actually spread in online spaces. Here, I provide a more nuanced view, describing the problem of misinformation as one of collective sensemaking gone awry:
Reposted byAvatar marï𓆃
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you can do that here: If you log in, there'll be a toggle to search only your posts. If you don't log in, type " stuff"
Two things: 1. Don’t eat fruitcake w fake ass Maraschino cherries Just don’t 🤢 2. This reminds me that I should stop what I’m doing & go make the fruitcake I told myself I’d make this year…
Ok, ok, let's look beyond the ancient, hacky jokes and have an honest chat about FRUITCAKE...What are you opinions about this seasonal staple? Actually delicious? Nasty trash? Somewhere in between?
7 Reasons You Should Never Eat Maraschino First of all, the way they're made is terrifying.
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Reposted byAvatar marï𓆃
One of my last and most precious elders has entered hospice. My heart is broken. Please help someone this week in whatever way you can. The people who truly love us tend to be rare and it all goes so fast
hey my birthday is next week — celebrate with me by sending $5 or $10 to someone’s mutual aid! 🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁
Reposted byAvatar marï𓆃
Folks: do not sleep on this amazing new tool launched by Al Gore called "Climate Trace". I have never seen an emissions map quite like this. Uses satellites and *assigns emissions to company sources* (!!) Look at what we've done to the North Sea:
Reposted byAvatar marï𓆃
Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In Her Lane. Focused. Flourishing.
i’ve been watching this space for a while—at least the corners that led to things like kingsnorth’s & dougald’s dark mnt project in the uk, doomer optimism in the states. watched kingsnorth’s brief foray onto twitter, & the piece he wrote that lead to ppl yelling at him about being a fascist, then
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Vonnegut’s axiom that we become what we pretend to be applies even when we don’t realize what we’re pretending to be.
wip the upside of the +5 yrs of duress fm having to replace a leaky outside wall of our house (including 2 yrs during covid w a tarp over the whole house) is that i got my 1st chance to design a space here’s a corner of it i’ve been working on everything here was discounted, thrifted, or found
I don’t talk about covid here much, but used to be part if the c community on x. I just want to say if you are a parent or involved w kids, maybe look into forest school. We switched fm public school to ft forest school this yr for our lo, and it has been an absolute game changer on so many fronts.
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A scene from summer for #ArtAdventCalendar 2023 Dec 5. Pipevine Swallowtail on a zennia 🌿🦋🌺
Amazing how he can talk about the need for small government to slash regs to protect the ppl & planet, while he’s actually out for big govt, the biggest govt, the biggest of all big governments…
Reposted byAvatar marï𓆃
since there are more people on here now: I am the book content editor for and I'm looking for 2024 sci-fi, fantasy, horror, and genre-bending speculative books! If you're a writer or a publicist with an SFF book out next year, please share the link/info here! (or email me)
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without downloading any new pictures throw your phone into the sea
Reposted byAvatar marï𓆃
let’s make this mycorrhizal network an ourcorrhizal network
i’m ok w it if we give the capitalists their own island where they can torture themselves w stuff like this all they like we could even send over & to observe & bring back stories to scare the little uns with
at first i read this as “ireland before goblinism” & i swear i heard my dearly departed wry ol’ irish uncle scott laughing fm his grave, rest his sweet scathing heart ♥️
I saw some white nationalist account post some shit about “ireland before globalism” referring to the 90’s and I swear to you my eyeballs nearly exploded
Michiko: what do u mean i need an occupawtion? i OWN this seat. i eez meowjestic queen of my own pownership economy & there’s nuttin u can do about it, so stop complainin & be a good lap while i can haz nap as long as i wannie cat #cat
and then you start to wonder if they (who) want you to actually drive of the pier are you doing it bc random chaos or bc it’s part of someone’s strategy
Reposted byAvatar marï𓆃
Ok - look - I had to do a line-by-line breakdown of ADNOC CEO and COP28 President Sultan Al Jaber's remarks to Mary Robinson, because they are *so bad* Ultimately they showcase something simple: fossil fuel companies use words as weapons to protect their bloody profit and even bloodier expansionism
The Man In Charge uses words as a planet-wrecking COP28 president and fossil CEO Sultan Al Jaber gets weirdly offended at a bunch of reasonable criticisms. Here's why.
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on x this week. ppl there yelling at others for not yelling about the BIG STUFF, & i recall a scene fm a long ago movie where one of the revolutionaries tells a mom who’s singing songs for kids that that work is revolutionary too, bc otherwise they would all forget what they were even fighting FOR
At the end of the day I remain a Sydettist and come back to the question offers for centering the work one does in the world: does baby have hat? I can't fix the goddamned world but that's OK. I can put some hats on babies, some food in bellies, offer comfort.
night is for silence avoiding sleep taking refuge in odd words curved just so at the back of the cave w blankets & pillows
nothing like november nightfall hastened by murders of crows come home roost your rookery gone rogue since we felled it for the costco now straddling the highway riding ribbons of treeline city planners left us between the hard grey sea of progress cold consolation sheltering our shadow wings
so, here is my pretty pretty in the jar now 🫐🌹🌼🍒🍷🫙 boil boil toil & trouble. modding recipe by heating to 65C then will stash in the pantry to let the yule magic slowly happen base recipe is the blackberry liqueur here: will try to make the foam w it next month
dang, this smells so good rn. mmm mm added some extra *secret spices* of pearly everlasting (Anaphalis margaritacea) & manzanita (Arctostaphylos columbiana) that I wild harvested in the summer. about half of the juniper berries i also harvested time to warm it up a bit.. 🌿🌼