Cole Moore Odell

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Cole Moore Odell

Now my helmet’s on, you can’t tell me I’m not in space.
When I was a kid I dreamed about making superhero comics. These sad fuckers trying to sell the same shit sandwich the same way over and over and over, by pretending the wrapper is different, darker, cooler.
30 years ago today. We were just babies!
No cheating. Post the last photo of a dog you have in your gallery.
They transcend mere Stones rip off to become legitimately phenomenal, while still being a Stones rip off
Yes, his famous love of music. According to teleprompter logs, when shot Trump was about to do a deep dive into the Afghan Whigs’ soul covers, such as the “My World is Empty Without You” single and Uptown Avondale EP, and how their recontextualization from a white junkie male POV reveals new lay—
Note to graphic designer: When you add the ribbon, please be sure to make it look like Nadal is holding it up with his penis. This is very important to me.
If dispelling doom for the sake of dispelling doom does not appeal to you, perhaps try dispelling doom out of spite, is what I’m saying.
If it’s not helpful to you, by all means ignore this, but I’m just saying… It really helps me to recenter myself to think “Oh right. The worst fucking people on the planet want me to feel like we’re doomed. Fuck those guys, actually.”
Okay, we’ve heard from Conan; what about you, Jill? What do you think is best in life?
When (pasty) giants walked the earth
9-year-olds on the playground trying to imagine the plot of the next Star Wars movie
Hey you guys wanna see the dumbest plan to replace Biden possible?
He's a Brainiac, a Brainiac, on the floor And he's braining like he's never brained before
As the Supreme Court undermines the Constitution we must turn to other foundational texts to understand the potential of America for greatness
The Inside Out characters in my head
The Inside Out characters in my head
Status of my FB EC Library collection. I have a few Graham Ingels books to catch up on, plus George Evans and the latest Orlando, Severin, and Crandall volumes. I’ve skipped Kamen and Craig so far because the art just doesn’t grab me. I’m probably wrong about them.
Spending the early hours of the 4th at the emergency vet waiting to find out if my 15-year-old dog has a broken leg
The greatest love of all is happening to me I’ve found the greatest love inside of this issue of Our Fighting Forces with Pooch the machine-gunner dog
My wife got this in a little free library and having seen Reacher on Amazon Prime I was expecting trash but this is garbage. “She was Asian. But not petite. / She had lace-up shoes on her feet.” is a satisfying couplet, though.
I appreciate a band going back and forth on a name, and landing on “Sailor Poon.” I hope they dream of becoming huge.
I love late 60s/early 70s romance books cosmetically trying to catch up with youth culture; a spread from Falling in Love #105, 1969
Fuck dirty photoshopped panels, there are more than enough real ones where you can tell those guys knew exactly what they were doing; from Heart Throbs #146, 1972:
NYT Opinion: It’s Time For Commander to Bite Joe Biden
The Piccadilly Palare Was just silly slang Between me and the boys in my gang
Like Sarge, I can’t die today, I have unread comics Our Fighting Forces #85, July 1964
A first for me as a copywriter: a client asked if I could “humanize” a bunch of copy they had written using AI, because they thought it sounded too mechanical. Yes, this is what happens when you try to replace me a high-end pocket calculator.
Jesus Christ Batman I’m sick of your pathetic excuses