Colin Broadmoor

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Colin Broadmoor

Adventurist. Cyber-culture analyst. Protoculture addict. Contributing editor

"Donne-moi du sucre, je suis ton voisin!"—André Trois Mille
Anyone who thinks old movies aren't funny has never watched My Man Godfrey.
Anyone who thinks old movies aren't funny has never watched My Man Godfrey.
you wouldn't believe what happened to me. but it's too long to explain anyway.
You can't write a story about people in the world without making a series of political choices. However, many authors do this without realizing it & believe their work apolitical. Reader, consider the assumptions an author makes about human nature—there you'll find the politics.
Stories—of any genre—w/ human-like characters in material worlds ALWAYS contain political elements. Politics emerge wherever you find social relationships & resource management. Patterns of conflict & control are limited in their variety & will often echo our own experience.
Stories—of any genre—w/ human-like characters in material worlds ALWAYS contain political elements. Politics emerge wherever you find social relationships & resource management. Patterns of conflict & control are limited in their variety & will often echo our own experience.
I decided to take a break and reread The Name of the Rose—and what a great book for the times it is!
I only have one Cadfael audiobook read by Derek Jacobi left to go and I'm already sad of it. Have you listened to his reading of Ackroyd's Hawksmoor? You should. I looked around for what he's recorded that I don't have—picked up Le Morte d'Arthur (even tho it's abridged!!!).
imo the nicest english word is "neorxnawang" which ælfric of eynsham used in his translation of genesis to refer to the edenic paradise. it is likely, however, that the word itself had prechristian roots & originally described an afterlife concept from earlier germanic religions.
Rewriting a book is basically like the bit in the Doctor Who story Castrovalva where they're deleting TARDIS rooms to generate thrust.
I QT'd something on twitter with like a "Nice!" and a 95k follower account RT'd it, and now I'm getting spammed with infinite notes on something that's barely a sentence. So, I shall sit here in the dark for a bit.
When we teach Shakespeare it's common to say his plays are meant to be heard/watched, not read. I'd say too that Shakespeare is best understood by actors—not folks from the literature dept. Watch this now, it is very informative. Ian McKellen on MacBeth.
Tomorrow, and tomorrow -- Ian McKellen analyzes Macbeth speech (1979) This is a chunk of archival gold from British television, circa 1979. As part of an "in-studio master class" on speaking Shakespeare, Ian McKellen talks in d...
Hussite imagery from the Jena Codex c. 1500
Found a 25 year-old blue book exam from an Intro to Shakespeare course I took 25 years ago. I did pretty well for not having read the plays.
Found a 25 year-old blue book exam from an Intro to Shakespeare course I took 25 years ago. I did pretty well for not having read the plays.
I find it strange that in the 21st century people are still writing histories of the Peasants' Revolt that portray the "peasants" as greedy, ignorant, ill-mannered bumpkins who deserved to be ruthlessly suppressed by the state.
Have you seen this? Alan Cumming singing "I Don't Care Much" from Cabaret. I think this is from the first '93 Donmar Warehouse revival—but don't quote me on that. This is how Shakespeare's fools should be played.
I don't care much - Cabaret -- Alan - Alan Cumming-A poco no canta maravilloso. Doesn't he sings wonderful?
AI's first priority being the elimination of creativity rather than drudgery tells you all you need to know about the intended purpose of AI.
In other words, it's not "inevitable" and there is in fact a point to resisting it.
They're putting "AI" into everthing partly because they're desperate for it to turn into profit. Like almost every tech "innovation" of the last couple of decades, it actually just burns through money and if they don't force it on us it'll just collapse.
Have you seen this? Alan Cumming singing "I Don't Care Much" from Cabaret. I think this is from the first '93 Donmar Warehouse revival—but don't quote me on that. This is how Shakespeare's fools should be played.
I don't care much - Cabaret -- Alan - Alan Cumming-A poco no canta maravilloso. Doesn't he sings wonderful?
The look my cat gives me as I spend ten minutes searching for the remote control he's napping on.
With AI beating down the door, I feel we're past worrying about "good/bad" art. Art's not about achieving some ideal form. Art is ALWAYS an attempt. Did a human make it? Did you learn by making it? Did you do your best to express yourself? Art is life. Live it on your own terms.
With AI beating down the door, I feel we're past worrying about "good/bad" art. Art's not about achieving some ideal form. Art is ALWAYS an attempt. Did a human make it? Did you learn by making it? Did you do your best to express yourself? Art is life. Live it on your own terms.
the defense is going to be "we didn't have a choice, it's too expensive" which is true! it is too expensive, because these models are at the point of being trained on all of human output and still running out of good data to train on but that's not the problem of the people whose data they stole
Newsweek Cover, April 6, 1992: Computers to Go