Jamie McKelvie

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Jamie McKelvie


I make comics. My new book ONE FOR SORROW starts in June 2024, from DSTLRY. I also drew The Wicked & The Divine, wrote Captain Carter, designed Captain Marvel and Ms Marvel, amongst others. I have ADHD if you're wondering why I'm like this.
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UK cover reveal! And the book is finally available to pre order in the UK now. @kelsijosilva.bsky.social and I worked really hard on this book, and I think you'reall going to love it. www.waterstones.com/book/the-res...
Reposted byAvatar Jamie McKelvie
Reposted byAvatar Jamie McKelvie
An article in the peer-reviewed medical journal The Lancet, using the conservative estimate of 4 indirect deaths in Gaza for every one direct death (in other conflicts it’s been 3-15x), calculates that Israel has killed approximately 186,000 Palestinians. That is 8% of the population of Gaza.
Counting the dead in Gaza: difficult but essentialwww.thelancet.com By June 19, 2024, 37 396 people had been killed in the Gaza Strip since the attack by Hamas and the Israeli invasion in October, 2023, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, as reported by the UN Offi...
Also they have lions for hands
In this way, the French Left is like Voltron
In this way, the French Left is like Voltron
Reposted byAvatar Jamie McKelvie
OUTGOING Assembly for context: —Macronists: 249. (New exit polls: 150-180) —Left bloc: 131. (New exit polls: 170-220) —Far-right: 89. (New exit polls: 120-155) —LR/conservatives: 64 (Exit polls: 65-80) Today will be a record high *by far* for far-right. But also a lot less than it hoped.
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there was a benefit for Gaza in my town yesterday, just a lot of smaller local organizations and individual artists collectively going "we don't know what to do, so we're going to do this." it's ok to not know what to do. it's ok to find it all overwhelming. even in this, you can do something.
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this is not to be apologetic or make excuses for people. it's to make room so that when you hear a survivor come forward, you can set aside the things that are already in your heart
let go of the idea that people are "good" or "bad". people are capable of all sorts of things and we all make choices that we are responsible for. that's it
Honestly, the show falls apart quite a bit towards the end (much of that due to no fault of the people working on it), and it has some... unfortunate themes at times, but overall it's an incredibly solid serial.
ELEMENTARY has dropped on Hulu (was it there before and I hadn’t seen it?) and as I’m busted with COVID, I’m indulging. The pilot’s a masterclass, the show’s an A+ example of procedural writing, balancing the serialization and B plots.
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Just like none of the bold investigators backfilling Joe Biden's feeble debate performance with punchy anonymous quotes have ever figured out why Trump was rushed to Walter Reed, claimed he wanted a spur-of-the-moment weekend checkup, and a year later declared that he had NOT had a series of strokes
"Executive Time" fell out of the coverage of Donald Trump in the most incredible way. Nobody writing about his quest to become president again ever mentions the fact that he hated the job when he had it and he couldn't and wouldn't really do it!
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the thing you really can't over-emphasize about reactionary centrists is how *dumb* they are www.persuasion.community/p/a-guide-fo...
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One of the least nuanced assumptions in US political discourse is that folks who have served or are related to people who have served are patriotic or pro-military. The collective memory and personal experiences of Black, indigenous, and other vets of color makes that way more complicated.
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The robot is not a bargaining unit member and must not be given bargaining unit work. Faculty unions should be looking over their contracts right now, figuring out exactly how to grieve or otherwise oppose the introduction of these systems.
Was just talking about the Tory party tendency to govern for headlines rather than substance (in this case the XL bully ban) and had to correct myself from "is" to "was", and that was nice
Reposted byAvatar Jamie McKelvie
It’s also McCarthyist claptrap that reduces all human imagination, empathy, and ingenuity into “I Gave You All the Clues Mister Police,” which, to be fair, is the reading level at play in the scenario.
i am really, REALLY not okay with the idea that someone writing about sexual assault means they must be an abuser. for one thing, the vast majority of art about sexual abuse is created BY THE VICTIMS. the idea that depicting abuse makes you an abuser really fucking pisses me off actually.
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Reposted byAvatar Jamie McKelvie
Reposted byAvatar Jamie McKelvie
On the drive between the hotel and the concert site, I kept my eyes open for these, and they were on every street. I’d say about ten percent of front doors. I’ve never seen one in Sweden.
I always forget til I visit the UK that British people actually LIKE living in a horrible techno-dystopia.
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Respecting someone being a prejudiced little shit is really the liberal grift
New LibDem MP in the Highlands is anti-trans rights. The Libdems knew this and let him stand to represent their party anyway.
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There is, sadly, a long history of the Lib Dems compromising their good policies to appease one weird bigot who accidentally got elected and became disproportionately influential because they have so few MPs. Hopefully the sheer number of new MPs this time means that's less of a factor. We can hope.
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Yep, this shit with him and one or two other candidates (and the cowardly reasoning behind it which is that they're terrified of lawsuits from bigots, funded by TERFy Lord Strasburger) is why I say there are no good parties on trans stuff and the Lib Dems are merely less awful than Tories/Labour.
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Well this is grim
Reposted byAvatar Jamie McKelvie
When I was a kid I couldn't move for people making peppermint creams. Never hear about it anymore, do you? I guess we have phones now
Reposted byAvatar Jamie McKelvie
Reposted byAvatar Jamie McKelvie
"there are only 2 genders!!!" and then they make 22 separate DnD classes out of masculinity alone
hotfix male. release candidate male. shovelware male
I wonder how it's going in the timeline where they chose chaos with Ed Miliband
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