Bill Kalish

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Bill Kalish

Devoted husband, dad, and drummer. Retired Cubmaster and Attorney. ALX native/TCW '76/BA GWU ‘81/JD, UH Manoa ‘94.
Ozempic only $40 for 3 months under Medicare Part D and none of that danger. A1C back under 7.
I think these guys are on the Gubmint payroll.
2x1 Maracuýa sours at the hotel Happy Hour in Aguas Caliente are really quite wonderful. Open air bar, 60°. Don’t blame me, we planned this trip in November.
Warm in the sun here but cools off quick in the shade. Leaving for first visit to Machu Picchu in 10 min. Back up there first thing tomorrow.
That’s the Punchbowl on the left from our lanai in Honolulu. I’ll never forget hearing the guns saluting (and waking me up) on December 7, 1991; the morning of my first law school exam, Civ Pro.
On this step also. Likely behind y’all. Passed City inspection a week ago Monday.
It’s still not the same thing. Not even close. But the Post will bothsides it till the cows come home.
Several paragraphs in the author concedes that it’s not at all comparable. WaPo you need to do better if you want me to pay that rate increase. Maybe I’ll just poach my mom’s digital sub and save money.
Posadas Amazonas and the Tambopata Research Center were sublime experiences, but I’m happy to have four walls and heat here in Cusco. King bed is just gravy. Pollo a la brasa on point.
Jump seat on this boat is just too cold. Windbreak is crucial.
Sugar definitely. Looks like you got the crust.
Last breakfast at the Tambopata Research Center before leaving for Cusco. Eggs and Sweet Potatoes, top notch granola with strawberry yogurt kefir (peach was my fave), and some wonderful goldenberry jam for my roll. Coffee coffee coffee.
Back on the Boat! All bundled up as it’s 60 and windy but the WiFi is robust. Cusco today, Sacred Valley tomorrow, Machu Picchu Tuesday and Wednesday.
Wish I could be there but we’re in Peru.
Thanks but maybe not. It is how I feel tho.
I have spent my whole career playing in original bands. My nemeses are DJ clubs, cover bands, ESPECIALLY, tribute bands. They may have given up but I never will.
Well, I actually need a new gig so perhaps I should be more circumspect. Hmmmm. Nah.
My sis, the retired Methodist preacher, just spent a week on a spiritual sojourn on Iona. On Mull when going back and forth to Oban. Beautiful place!
Tribute bands are so effing lame. Stop going to see them.
I’ve got a great video (not for Bluesky tho) of so many ants marching across a 20m long wooden bridge here in Peru (forded the stream to leave ‘em be) carrying large pieces of Ironwood leaves. Guide explained that they’ll travel several km to get the new leaves from the top of the tree for the nest.
Exactly what he said. Pharrell called, he answered.
We always go to the Masonic Temple. Easy bike ride from the west end. I’d love to host as it’s just a few blocks away but y’all might have noticed that I’m not home.
Auto folks, park in GWPark and walk thru the back gate. Sometimes the Masons even open it.
Saw DMB at Pharrell’s festival a couple years back on Independence Ave right by the Hirshhorn. Festival size DMB is what you want. All bangers, noodling kept to a minimum. Big timer visible so Dave keeps on task.
It was a largely hip-hop festival so lotsa cheesy jokes “why am I even here?”
Beautiful sunrise on the Tambopata River. First glimpse of sun since we arrived in Peru.
H/T to the Tambopata Research Center staff for the Dad joke setup.