
oh no absolutely no. if there is one thing i will not do it's police how people from countries without something as insane as a nobility arrange the words in conjunctions that include "sir" and "lord" and even "keir"
if there is one traditional aspect of being American I live by, it’s absolutely refusing to acknowledge or play along with British royalty and nobility bullshit
To be fair the U.S. predilection to call people by a position they no longer hold is equally baffling to me. “President Trump” “General Petraeus” etc.
yeah we should burn that with fire. Titles of office should expire immediately on leaving office
But why is it only the President who gets that? I mean, why shouldn’t Director of Waste Disposal of The State of Wisconsin, (or whatever the official title is) not get the badge for life?
Unfortunately the US does this for a lot of titles (you'll see lots of "Ambassador Haley", "Governor Christie", etc, but they are all /former/ officeholders. But stylebooks should reject it)
This is what you get for not having a class system. You make up your own.
Oh America has a class system all right. Do you think anyone would have even entertained Kennedy’s run for President for more than a second if it wasn’t for the name?
To be fair, he at least had the pretense of merit, being a war hero (yes, yes, I know, there were a lot of war heroes in and running for office in that time, including JFK's immediate predecessor).
I mean today’s Kennedy. All this stuff in the media, it’s insane.
Oh, yeah, him. Yeah, but nobody takes him seriously. Trump's already got the crazy vote. There's simply no real oxygen in the room for him.
I understand that. My point, which ain’t really much in the first place, is that he would have got no coverage if he was Ronald Casey, the mad car salesman of Wichita. Every car comes free with a 9/11 conspiracy theory decal!
Yeah, that's valid. Then again, its pretty hard to do that unless and until we just start ignoring anyone with relations to a former leader or celebrity. Which seems to contradict human nature, I feel?
That’s your class system right there. After all we only have a royal family now because they were related to someone who was good at fighting.
Yeah, and my point is, there's not really a good way to avoid it, sadly.