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Amateur mini painter and aspiring teacher.
Reposted byAvatar Conqueresse
LTTP and apparently I don’t paint many claws… this is literally what I could find!
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Claws a? will maybe some cold ones and a dragon i will do! can't beat Dino's & dragons for clawyness goodness hehe
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Reposted byAvatar Conqueresse
Claws, you say? One creepy set of claws in the sewer, practising ambushes, and then putting it into practice behind Officer Rowan. #Nerdlings
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It’s Friday again! Hurrah! For this weeks Find Folk Friday the theme is…claws. So post your art of any kind vaguely related to that and I’ll repost the lot as usual. If you like something, share it! #Nerdlings #FindFolkFriday
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Staff Sergeant Tamasina „Wham Tam“ Fletcher reporting for duty in my 4th Memnon Combat Patrol. #Nerdlings
My first ever Blood Bowl team painted. Gotta love these little gnomes and their forest creature friends. #nerdlings #warhammercommunity
Reposted byAvatar Conqueresse
A friend and fellow hobbyist has had a box of #Epic40K lying around for decades. Feeling he would never get around to it, we traded some things and I’m now the lucky owner! I had to try to paint up a squad… so here’s my first unit of scouts completed! I love all the models in this box! #nerdlings
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Progress on the Gravis Captain
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June is over, July has begun. Time for another mini comp. This month the theme is…Make a Splash. No restrictions except you must include a liquid effect in your mini. Blood, slime, water, whatever. Resin, UHU, PVA, any medium you like but it must look wet. #Nerdlings #MiniOfTheMonth
Reposted byAvatar Conqueresse
Completed another 2… meaning 5 down… only 2 more to go and Kill Team Justian is “a go”… #Nerdlings #WarhammerCommunity
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Completed my pride project for 2024! Strike Force Skittles… erhm I mean Strike Force Justian! #TasteTheRainbow #Nerdlings #WarhammerCommunity
Reposted byAvatar Conqueresse
Last day to enter this months comp. Four pics, a description/title, and your Bluesky handle to the email in my bio by midnightish tonight if you’re in. #Nerdlings #MiniOfTheMonth
Ok you bunch of delightful weirdos it’s time for the June Mini Comp. This month the theme is ‘Masters of Disguise’. The only restriction this time is that at least part of your Mini should be actively camouflaged. Make of that what you will. #Nerdlings #MiniOfTheMonth
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Number 3 of the Squad… another 4 to go and Kill Team Justian will be complete… Scratch a “bird-boy” off the hobby bucket-list. (Waiting for varnish to cure fully before tufts and pigments are applied).
Little update from the hobby desk. Got the first two gnomes mostly ready, I’ll wait to do the final touches until they’re all at this stage.
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Reposted byAvatar Conqueresse
And then there were two… progress continues on Kill Team Justian #Nerdlings #Warhammer40K
Been really looking forward to starting painting the gnomes, so here we are… gotten most base colors on all twelve, and started detailing the first one tonight. Wondering if I might come to regret the structure on his jacket when I’m about halfway through the team 😂 #nerdlings #warhammercommunity
Reposted byAvatar Conqueresse
Finished #Grombrindal last night. Happy about how he turned out. He’s been on a shelf, primed and ready to paint for a long while, but I’m glad I waited until now to paint him, because I’ve learned so many new techniques since then. And he’d definitely hadn’t turned out this well two years ago 😅
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Alas Kcaw Kaw of the Swiftest Wing, Paladin of the Aarakocra. Our DM left to do an animation post-grad & has yet to return. The curse that was turning Kcaw into a lobster man, may never be cured! #Nerdlings #FindFolkFriday
Reposted byAvatar Conqueresse
🎶 Bright Eyes - burning like Warpflames 🎶 And other bright colors. Added the Ogryns because they’re not very bright. #Nerdlings
Reposted byAvatar Conqueresse
"Bright" sounds like an excuse to repost Rookie Enforcer Officer Rowan from a previous #nerdlings competition. All together now, "IT'S BEHIND YOU!!"
Reposted byAvatar Conqueresse
Bright? You want Bright? How about some bright (King In) Yellow?
It’s the end of the week, you know what that means. This week the theme is…bright. So let’s see your light fantastic creations. As usual I’ll repost the lot and if you see something you like, share it. #Nerdlngs #FindFolkFriday
Reposted byAvatar Conqueresse
Athalante Arkadia, The Rending Shadow, Blade Champion of the Shadowkeepers, sprints across the ruins in search of prey, ready to dispense the Emperor’s Wrath. (anybody got tips on how to take good mini pics with an iPhone 13? I swear the paint looks much smoother in person) #WarhammerCommunity
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Hello, I would like to introduce you to my very first Warhammer miniature
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The Anachrony exosuits are definitely red. And the macaws... well, at least there is a little bit of red on them😊
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Recently painted up my own first FSM too… have several more ligned up… putting one or two in different units throughout my army… this one joined Combat Patrol “Solarien” (Painted as UM even though I think they’re Raven Guard in the artwork/WD).