
Judiciary appointments and agency staffing are two huge reasons I’ll be voting for Biden despite the many, many issues I have with him. Both have impacts way beyond a presidential term & often have life or death level consequences. I’m not voting for a person, I’m voting for a path.
Some reduce the 2024 campaign to a contest between two old men, but it's a choice of two slates of federal appointees who'll impact your life in a million ways. Biden has staffed executive agencies with excellent choices who are doing good work. Trump will empower an army of Stephen Millers.
I *really* wish more Americans understood this! We're voting for an entire Executive branch, not just one guy...
That is a fantastic way to state it.
Exactly. I’m not a Biden stan or anything but you couldn’t pay me enough to vote for Trump. As long as we keep the Republicans from taking over, it’s a small step in the right direction.
Amen Karyn, this is the way.
Washington called it his administration, not his government.