
Trump saw Biden completely blow it at the debate and decided “I gotta get more fascist”, which should immediately dispel any notions about if he is a savvy political operator
What you would do when authoritarianism comes to America is what you're doing right now
He can't pretend to not be the second coming of Hitler for 8 seconds. It's like. Dude. You won your primary. Your base is locked in. Win over some undecided centrists and you win. But no. He must become more insane
Nobody’s talking about how Trump just went up and talked about Newsmax shit for an hour and a half, but they probably should
I'm perfectly willing to concede that at the very least Biden absolutely botched that debate. But I could barely understand what Trump was talking about for basically the whole time and I check in on his Truth social account regularly just to keep tabs.
Anyone who said "yes he lied but he said it with such vigor" should be put under conservatorship.
I've been mostly unplugged from his bullshit and when he claimed radicals are out there doing after birth abortions he sounded insane.