
It seems incorrect to read #2 as anything other than "we'll have more for you later, we're working on it" and I would recommend that they should be very diligent on it because of the amount of people freaking out about what's pretty normal language here.
1. Biden deputy campaign manager Quentin Fulks says he's "scared as shit" by the Supreme Court's ruling giving Trump immunity 2. Biden deputy campaign manager Quentin Fulks says Biden deeply respects the Supreme Court and refuses to use any power he has to challenge it
Once again, the speed of a campaign and the speed of governance is so much slower and deliberate than the speed of posting specifically for reasons like this.
I really wish they had a plan for it as soon as they granted cert but that’s just not what I get to have
But also like, what’s the plan? Not like I expect you to have it, but like plan implies something that’s going to counter this action, maybe entirely, and what’s the plan that gets courts to say oh, you’re right, we can just lay that immunity decision to the side?
The problem is that support of Democracy involves respect for institutions. There is a difficult needle to threat that is “the institutions have fallen into rot and need to be cleaned up but not replaced”. Because if the idea is we need to replace the institutions that is some sort of revolution.
Eliminate all the institutions is and let me be the will of the people is literally what Trump is selling. “That but from the Left” is not what I think most of us should want.
I don’t need them to end the Supreme Court, but it’s easy enough to say the Roberts court is disgraced and must be defrocked
“These justices have betrayed the American people, and their oaths to the constitution. I ask for their resignations, and I encourage Congress to take action to remove them.” Then name everyone except ACB, throw them off a bit
Alito and Thomas are the obvious ones for corruption. Would also be a nice time to be able to pull out definitive proof of who leaked Dobbs, if we were doing the TV version of this.
I agree that is how you get there. But again, it is a narrow path and I think that “Biden respects the institution of the Court” is not in conflict with that idea.
I agree, it just hasn’t happened yet and it wasn’t in the chamber ready to go when this came down
Good point, though I was thinking a PR plan in particular. Direct legal route would be an amendment which wouldn’t go through but could be a good issue. And always, expand the court
Or ultra simply, demand resignation of Roberts. Take the swing
What if they were already working on a plan for months because they considered that this would be how the Court would rule? What if they didn't want to tip their hand yet?
Would be nice but I don’t see it yet
Just because you don't see it does not mean they haven't been working on it. Just saying.
If government moved at the speed of posting I would be absolutely terrified
this describes Trump's presidency well
“This is really scary, but we don’t know how to respond yet” seems like a perfectly reasonable response. This is urgent, but it’s not that urgent. Biden is still president and Dems still hold the Senate. It may quickly become urgent though.