
This 4th of July, take a little time to think about how the Left can try to reclaim patriotism from conservatives. Seems like the story of a country that cast off a king and fought a civil war to free the slaves is fertile ground given our present moment.
If you’re going to argue about the execution of America as an idea, then you aren’t understanding the power of internal mythology and you’re part of why conservatives can keep claiming it. The point is the promise of America, and the discussion should be how we can better live up to the promise.
This is legitimately inspiring stuff, and we all should ask ourselves how we can show that this is what we want instead of defaulting to “God Damn America” mode. There’s a better way.
just watched 74 people speaking at least a dozen different languages become american citizens in a ceremony at monticello, where the speakers were themselves children of immigrants. inspiring stuff and a vivid illustration of what reactionaries want to snuff out
Was once in a meeting where someone called the founding principles bullshit. They are not bullshit, they’re aspirational! And we (non fascists and anti monarchists) should own it.