
just watched 74 people speaking at least a dozen different languages become american citizens in a ceremony at monticello, where the speakers were themselves children of immigrants. inspiring stuff and a vivid illustration of what reactionaries want to snuff out
Hard concur.
Also Kentucky: Chinese-American at buffet checkout, in the space of a minute: * Says something in Chinese to one of the staff. * Chats briefly w/customer ahead of me, in Spanish. * Chats briefly w/me in English. THAT is what makes America great. Immigrants, diversity, and all-you-can-eat buffets.
Except the buffet part. I'm not a fan 😊
I have a large appetite and a small budget. I do what I gotta do.
The South may not know much, but we know good buffets.
My great-grandparents, who spoke Lithuanian, German, Czech, and unintelligible Glaswegian accented English, say “hi” to these people.
Prefer to believe that all of them spoke all of these languages, like somehow a community migrated west through Europe until ending up in a Scottish pub
All American citizens should be required to attend at least one naturalization ceremony.
We happened upon one at the folklife festival several years ago and my kids wanted to know why I was suddenly crying.
I attended my wife's naturalization ceremony. My wife is extremely practical and no-nonsense, which I love. We took a 5am train to Mananas for the ceremony. I'll never forget seeing all these happy families waving flags, and my wife sleepily griping "They could've just mailed me this shit!"
Oh fun! My favorite of my spouse's ceremony was the disgraced, indicted former president's video message was a garbled mess, lots of people laughed
Sometimes you can just get your ceremony at the end of your interview now I think.
This is always the case in New Jersey. I don’t know the circumstances elsewhere.
Couldn’t agree more. Got to attend a natz ceremony at the office a few weeks ago on World Refugee Day. All were former refugees/asylees, and the deputy director presented the Outstanding American By Choice Award to a Lost Boy. Incredibly moving stuff.
You actually found something good to do today.
People can help others become citizens by becoming a tutor. You help them study to pass the citizenship interview. It’s one of the most meaningful things I’ve done in my life. Search for immigrant or refugee services in your area. If you speak English and took 6th grade civics, you’re good to go.
I love this. Thank you for a wonderful suggestion.
I worked with asylees from Africa and wow it gave me a different perspective on life. I’m so much more grateful for what I have. These folks are more patriotic than most native-born Americans because they really had to struggle for the freedom we were given at birth.
What if I'm an immigrant myself and didn't take US sixth grade civics? Was naturalized in 2003, studied for and passed the exam, forgot most of what I'd studied (pretty sure I couldn't name the first 13 states now if you put a gun to my head) but have good working memory and can catch up. Ok or no?
Did you know someone participating in the ceremony or are they things that people can just go and observe if they would like to?
it’s an event you can attend! open to the public
They're among the most uplifting events you can attend, and it's free! Strongly recommend doing it once to cheer on your new fellow Americans.
I know someone who teaches citizenship classes, and talking to her is inspiring. In her opinion, her students know a lot more than most citizens do about the constitution and how the government works. 🙂
I'm curious what they think the supreme court is allowed to do, based solely on a reading of the Constitution.
Yes, do go! Remarkably moving.
Cosigned. I went to one and even under our previous president it was a deeply moving experience.
co-sign. one of the best memories of childhood was the day we saw my dad become a citizen.
There's also possibly some places streaming them on YouTube if you can't go.
Are confetti poppers provided or do we have to bring our own?
This sounds genuinely cool.
and they're all over the place on the 4th- basically any major city will have one, especially if there's a prominent historical site nearby associated with the Founding or the early Republic
That’s cool. I’ll have to look up what they have in NYC for the future. Would definitely be a neat thing to see.
Apparently there was one planned for tomorrow in Omaha, but it’s been cancelled. Otherwise, seems to be a monthly thing!
I’m surprised the reactionary types (eg Proud Boys or whoever) don’t make a point of disrupting them, since as you say they’re examples of exactly what they don’t want the country to be.
My wife got her citizenship in November 2022, in LA. It was a pretty awesome experience to be there for it
This is the only reason I would ever want to be a federal court judge; to officiate at these ceremonies. I've been present at a few when I was waiting for my case to be called and though I'm not a crier, my eyes were always moist. And let's call reacs what they really are: racists.
I mentioned elsewhere, a woman I know is a Federal judge and says that swearing in new citizens is the best part of her job. She looks forward to swearing-in day all year.
Every federal judge I’ve ever talked to about their job says this is their absolute favorite part of the job
I myself have probably taken 25+ family photos of new-citizen strangers by the one flag on the first floor of the courthouse
We have a few who will talk to death during the ceremony before the actual swearing can happen.
I have a relative who is a magistrate judge, and from time to time he conducts citizenship ceremonies in Fanueil Hall. He says it is w/out doubt one of the loveliest parts of his job.
Several years ago I went to one of those in Baltimore when a friend took the oath. Awesome experience. Also:
My husband (and quite a few others) made me cry as they took their oaths 9/11/11.