
It will never cease to amaze me how little business owners understand how their customers reach their business
"The roadway once carried between four and six lanes for motor vehicles, despite 88 percent of people in the area traveling on foot and squeezing into 30 percent of the space." And now Adams wants to give it back to cars?
Mayor Adams May Nix Sidewalk Expansions on Bustling Eighth Ave. - Streetsblog New York Mayor Eric Adams cast doubt on years of city efforts to give pedestrians more space to walk on overcrowded Eighth Avenue.
Drivers complain about traffic (sorry im late, traffic was terrible), while pedestrians and mass transit users don't because in general, those means of transportation are less prone to delays (subways don't get stuck in traffic and yes busses do, but they have schedules).
Yes, but also businesses have really clear incentives to better understand their customers and they just don't
They aren't city planners, that's for sure. When it comes to transportation business owners tend to be going off vibes and not much else. Who knows if the owners of Broadway have even seen their own numbers?
You’re giving planners a lot of credit here. Plenty of vibes in planning too or we would never have ruined our cities in the first place.
Previous generations of traffic engineers had a lot of arbitrarily held views of how things worked. Present day planners have different ideas. A lot of politicians still think that way though. Doesn't matter what best practices are if the governor is worried about imaginary diners.
Believe me. Plenty of existing engineers and planners still have their head up their butt.