
"The roadway once carried between four and six lanes for motor vehicles, despite 88 percent of people in the area traveling on foot and squeezing into 30 percent of the space." And now Adams wants to give it back to cars?
Mayor Adams May Nix Sidewalk Expansions on Bustling Eighth Ave. - Streetsblog New York Mayor Eric Adams cast doubt on years of city efforts to give pedestrians more space to walk on overcrowded Eighth Avenue.
FWIW, this reminds me a lot of when de Blasio and Bratton discussed getting rid of the Times Square plazas because of what they perceived as general chaos. Returning the area to cars, they believed, would restore order. It's a cop's view of the world where order is more important than safety.
Law & You may have seen a rather strange piece by Douglas Feiden from West Side Spirit making the rounds over the past few days. Called "Disrupting the Grid," it's a throwback to some of the more ridiculous...
and where traffic violence doesn't count because pedestrians and bike riders aren't people
Really love how putting on a helmet, sunglasses, and a bright shirt removes my humanity even more than deciding to trans my gender. It's great.
Area Cop Would Prefer That You Just Stay Home.
Yes! Also, de Blasio’s “car-free” parks were always full of cop cars because “rules don’t apply to the enforcement” until they get sued. Again.
Telling that he complains about double parking narrowing the available lanes further but doesn’t even hint at enforcing the existing law against it
It’s wild…… and saying it’s needed because it makes double parking harder? He thinks that is legit way to “park”.
Let’s start leaving cinderblocks in the road to expand the sidewalk. If enough of us do it…
guerrilla road narrowing: might be the only solution work at night, every night
The man who had his staff park illegally at Borough Hall on sidewalks cannot be trusted to do the right things for pedestrians
How is it possible that he keeps doing things to make me hate him even more? Truly, an astounding feat.
It's the nature of that particular beast
In related news, there have been two empty cop cars double-parked on my block for most of the day. So glad our budget is doing such great work.
Want to know what Adams will do? Look at who pays him the most - there’s your answer.
This is a reminder of the failure of ranked-choice voting implemented in New York. The point of ranked-choice is to avoid spoiler candidates, but they only use it in the primaries, defeating that purpose. In the general it’s the same Pepsi vs Coke choice.
Adams is bought and paid for by his owners. He needs to keep that Cocaine flowing into Manhattan. Crackhead motherfucker.
Man right where he's standing could be so amazingly charming as a real plaza instead of Frogger. Shout-out Pink Pussycat sex shop and Burrito Loco.