
The cultural gap between people engaged with social video and people who aren't is unbelievable. I've never seen this man in my life. Hundreds of millions of views. There are gazillions of him.
im sorry im only just learning what dr disrespect looks like and,,,
"Extremely online" text posters on Twitter or here are, in fact, clustered in an extremely isolated and out of touch corner of the web. Maybe that makes them even more online than normal folks, in a sense. Whatever the case, you'll see TikToks pop up on Twitter *ages* after they first went viral.
I too had to do a deep dive on this yesterday.
i did my first ever video on TikTok, just a clip of a Donald Sutherland interview, and it got 3.5 million views. the scale on video stuff is off the charts next to Twitter.
That's about as many people as the number of Americans who read the NYT online each day.
they should hire me, i could turn that place around
This is also a case of 'first one's free kid', since new/young accounts are deliberately boosted while older accounts go down in the algorithm's ranking