
NEW: When Judge Aileen Cannon drew the Trump classified documents case, two more experienced judges in Florida's southern district—including its chief—urged her to step aside and let someone else take it. She refused. (gift link)
Judge in Trump Documents Case Rejected Suggestions to Step Two federal judges in South Florida privately urged Aileen M. Cannon to decline the case when it was assigned to her last year, according to two people briefed on the matter. She chose to keep it.
Cannon refusing to give the case to another judge is the headline news, but I don't find it particularly troubling - it's how random assignment works. However, the article's mention of her cutting out Magistrate Judge Reinhart is disconcerting - she should be using his experience w/ pretrial stuff.
Also, thanks for the gift link!
Very fair! Agreed, refusing to step aside isn't troubling—just interesting and revealing backstory
She had something to prove or prove to someone
"Random Assignment" There were 4 vacancies on Southern District of Florida bench when Trump's case came up, greatly increasing chances of "randomly" being assigned any of 5 judges he'd appointed to court. Biden's nominees all blocked (blue slip) until after case reached friendly hands (1 still is).
With only 14 of 18 seats filled in June 2023, Trump had better than 1 in 3 chance of having case overseen by 5 judges he'd personally handed lifetime appointment (Cannon joined after Biden was elected), and better than even shot of being heard by Republican appointee. Very little "random" about it.