
NEW: When Judge Aileen Cannon drew the Trump classified documents case, two more experienced judges in Florida's southern district—including its chief—urged her to step aside and let someone else take it. She refused. (gift link)
Judge in Trump Documents Case Rejected Suggestions to Step Two federal judges in South Florida privately urged Aileen M. Cannon to decline the case when it was assigned to her last year, according to two people briefed on the matter. She chose to keep it.
As others have already said, she's just doing what she's been appointed to do -- and it's infuriating.
Now I have to wonder what horrible impending decision prompted somebody to leak this in order to cover their posterior
The state of the federal courts is disastrous but she still sticks out among the crowd. Just a pure political hack in a black robe
She knew the payoff was coming. She's set for life.
Well, she’s not a Supreme Court justice, so there are ethics rules.
Only if someone is able to enforce them.
Cannon refusing to give the case to another judge is the headline news, but I don't find it particularly troubling - it's how random assignment works. However, the article's mention of her cutting out Magistrate Judge Reinhart is disconcerting - she should be using his experience w/ pretrial stuff.
Very fair! Agreed, refusing to step aside isn't troubling—just interesting and revealing backstory
She had something to prove or prove to someone
"Random Assignment" There were 4 vacancies on Southern District of Florida bench when Trump's case came up, greatly increasing chances of "randomly" being assigned any of 5 judges he'd appointed to court. Biden's nominees all blocked (blue slip) until after case reached friendly hands (1 still is).
With only 14 of 18 seats filled in June 2023, Trump had better than 1 in 3 chance of having case overseen by 5 judges he'd personally handed lifetime appointment (Cannon joined after Biden was elected), and better than even shot of being heard by Republican appointee. Very little "random" about it.
She was jammed through at the 11th hour for that district and without proper background scrutiny precisely because it was likely any MAL case would be brought there. Any notion of her stepping aside was and is laughable. I hope nobody still thinks she's merely inexperienced and/or incompetent.
Fosho, 100%. It's blatant to the point of absurdity.
Insert meme: "Why not all three?"
Love that so much of our entire system of governance and judiciary is just a series of "Will you not do this corrupt thing?" "No." "Pretty please will you not?" "Still no." "Ah, alas."
It's things like this I think about when I hear people (liberals and conservatives) worship the constitution as if it's some sort of perfect sacred text.
it really seems like there should be some oversight of the judicial branch that's not "trust individual judges to do the right thing 100% of the time"
She'll get some kind of rebuke once the dust settles, but she's done her job already. Delayed til after the election. I bet her bribe will be shockingly small
I bet it’s more of a blackmail situation Trump is frugal about that sort of thing
At this point why can't she be forcefully removed from the case and another judge appointed? This is clearly obstruction; no bones about it, so why can't we do anything about it?
Thank you for the gift link.
Why would she? It's not like it's against the law. I wonder what the Norms Defenders will say to this.
It would be normal for someone with a massive conflict of interest to step aside to avoid the impression of impropriety. It's abnormal that she doesn't care that she gives that impression. Not for nothing but tons of stuff that is "legal" shouldn't be.
She is SO so far over her head. It’s almost laughable.
Interesting that this story comes out now. Is the table being set for a challenge?
Isn't she ruining her career?
She has a job that pays $243,000 per year and the only way she can lose it is if 67 Senators vote to remove her from the bench. Her career is not possible to harm.
A federal judge's career is unruinable, unfortunately
Judges can be impeached, though
She's probably angling for an appointment by Trump to the Supreme Court. And knowing Trump, he'd do it.
Glad to see some people still believe that people don't routinely fail upwards.
Nah, the worst case for her is to get a fox news show like "judge" Jeanine.
I'm surprised at how unsurprised I am to learn she had a chance to do the right thing and chose not to.
The check cleared before they got to her