kit yetts

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kit yetts

[transapocalyptic misfit]
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reminder: the surrealists are dead and, with them, surrealism. we can cavort in its shadows, its influence, and we can celebrate its corpse but we cannot resurrect it.
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It was really great talking to Nav for this and I'm so glad you all get a chance to read it
Hey! I spent a good little while working on the cover story for the summer issue of the Walrus. Read, share, shower me with praise, write me hate mail etc
AI Is a False God | The The real threat with super intelligence is falling prey to the hype
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Me with Apa at Comicpalooza:
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My piece is now available in the 4th annual Kaabo Clay Collective ceramics sale! 100% of proceeds of this sale go towards funding the Kaabo Award for Black Ceramicists! #pottery #art #nightmarket
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Half my life online now is just "MY DUDES IT IS WELL AND GOOD TO YELL AT A CLOUD BUT PLEASE YELL AT THE ACTUAL CLOUD AND NOT A PRETEND CLOUD IN YOUR MIND" and this is completely cross-platform
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so excited to find an unused paper shredder in one of my other closets (pretty sure this was a gift from past-kit) shredding documents like the safehouse got blown.
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some new zines printed, folded, stapled and updated all with these two hands and a ornery laser printer
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making an AI that identifies everyone's emotion as "angry" and using Bruce Banner in the demo to trick investors
cardinal beetles imply fixed beetles and mutable beetles.
treasure in the junk-closet
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"Slow, methodical organ recordings - major new work from Kali Malone; quietly subversive two hours of concentrated, creeping organ pieces governed by strict acoustic & compositional code with ultimately profound emotional resonance." #bandcamp #drone
The Sacrificial Code, by Kali 10 track album
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Honestly I think Coil should be the basis for some “couple across the bar memes”
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How your email finds me
Francis Bacon, Study for Portrait, Number IV (After the Life Mask of William Blake), 1956
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make music buy cables search "cable management" make music buy cables search "cable management" . . .
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wild baby does best leaf impression ever, seen on the way back from mailbox
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There's a new (2024) Buddha Machine, and the creators, Christiaan Virant and 张荐 (Zhang Jian), put the loops up for free (aka "name your price")
佛色 Buddha Machine SE, by Christiaan Virant and 张荐 9 track album
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Want Nkisi, Solomon, talismans, the history of daemons, disabled folks and spaceflight, corporate belie fin a so called "atheist" Sillicon Valley - overpolicing and military use of Machine-Learning-as-omniscient Gospel, Mary Shelley being smarter than most readers (historical or otherwise)?
Oh hey! If you wanted to check out my talk "Religious Belief and Practice in the Age of 'AI'" but were unable to attend in person, it's been published online! I hope you enjoy it:
your nervous system as a pirate radio station.
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Oh hey! If you wanted to check out my talk "Religious Belief and Practice in the Age of 'AI'" but were unable to attend in person, it's been published online! I hope you enjoy it:
Hey folks, there is an absolutely fantastic talk by here: I’d highly recommend checking it out. If you’re one of those people who is interested in the intersection between humanities and science, and the ethical implications thereof, it should be right up your street.
Religious Belief and Practice in the Age of As part of a seed grant project funded by the AIAI Network, Damien P. Williams, assistant professor of Philosophy and Data Science at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, will present his research on the intersection of AI and religious belief and practice. This event is free and open to the public. Dr. Damien Patrick Williams is an Assistant Professor of Data Science and Philosophy at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, where he teaches and researches how technologies such as algorithms, machine intelligence, and biotechnologies are impacted by the values, knowledge systems, philosophical explorations, social structures, and even religious beliefs of human beings. Damien has a PhD in Science, Technology, and Society from Virginia Tech, and an MA from Georgia State University in Philosophy and Religious Studies, specializing in the intersection of philosophy and the comparative study of religion, with a focus on occult theory and method. Damien's realms of expertise have led to him serving on the boards of non-profit organizations such as the Center for Democracy and Technology, and the Disability Inclusion Fund, and consulting for several universities and research and development groups such as Olin College and SRI International. He has been interviewed for multiple podcasts, news outlets, and popular publications, including TIME Magazine, and been invited to speak at dozens of international conferences. All of Damien’s research is concerned with how the knowledges and experiences of marginalized peoples affect and should be centered within the technosocial structures of human societies.
what if birds sounded like little airplanes when they fly?
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reminder: those that would deny genocide are complicit in it.
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