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💕 bsky.app/profile/werewolf.mov
when i first started my new job, another place wanted a second follow up interview with me, and i completely no-showed on accident (which i’ve never done before), and they rescheduled. and then i forgot AGAIN. guess who just emailed me 8 months later asking for another call 😭😭😭😭
furry twitter now: Um anyone that acknowledges sex existing is soooo gross :/ As a 14 year old it makes me so uncomfortable… furry twitter 2012: hey guys my dog just creampied me 8 times 😃 here’s 3 pictures with my face in them and a link to a video on my google drive with my legal name
Reposted byAvatar ؜
I grew up IN THE 90s. We didn't have "Xbox" or "iPhones". I drank FROM THE HOSE. My body FILLED UP WITH WATER. I inflated LIKE A GIANT BALLOON. My family BEGGED ME TO STOP. I flew off into the air SPRAYING WATER EVERYWHERE. It was ON THE NEWS. God won't LET ME INTO HEAVEN NOW. Can I get a HECK YEAH?
been trying to quit vaping so i’ve been forcing myself to use burnt cotton and the taste is so fucking bad i have to consider “is this worth it” every time i go to hit it, and the answer is usually no
Reposted byAvatar ؜
i didnt really understand frozen pizza before today but i get it now like its way too hot out for normal pizza
the servers i’ve bhopped and surfed on for 4,000 hours are getting shut down im necking myself fr this time
i thought 1 cat taking over the bed was bad enough wtf
i would genuinely much rather be at work getting paid rn than be at home comforting my dog while every window in my house rattles
going to a concert to see a band i don’t know with a furry i have only played like 3 games of counter strike with in the past decade
it’s crazy how i can feel so good about myself for like 1 day and then it’s back to wanting to put myself into a trash compactor
Sorry for being a gay whore wench .. it will happen again
making the responsible adult decision to go to bed for work tomorrow instead of playing counter strike with the boys
going to get my first pedicure ever .. hope i dont get ticklish and kick the person
you already know what the fuck going on
i miss when furries were lowkey as fuck and i could just be a faggot in peace why do i gotta see right wing accounts with millions of followers talking about furries
the furry fandom is so awesome because i found an artist that is obsessed with this one disney character and just draws an infinite amount of insane vore of him
My life’s greatest achievement was one time in middle school i went to an all you can eat buffet and i went back so many times they told me to stop
my fat ass might singlehandedly make this all you can eat sushi place run out of business
my fat ass might singlehandedly make this all you can eat sushi place run out of business
it’s my birthday 🌞
i don’t know how people don’t want to help homeless ppl more. i am broke as fuck and got a guy a big mac meal from mcdonalds and he almost cried lol. fucking $6 on the app completely changed that guy’s day. he said he’s been sitting there all day and was ignored until me. smh.
at the combination halloween super store bed bath and beyond you guys need anything?
i'm always so confused when i see those advertisements that are like BURN YOUR BELLY FAT! and they show a flat boring tummy and then show a big bloated round tummy as a bad thing. Can i see an advertisement for the opposite
i want to post gay shit on here but i know that the second i do my boss is going to randomly check bluesky and see it on their timeline even though they come on this app once a month
The show sucks ass but credit is due here- having a character that’s an asshole so you can send an email in-character just to tell your fans “fuck you” when they’ve been waiting months for something they paid for is fucking awesome
And then half the time they make a parent/family member sign off on behaviors that you did as a child which is like LMAO. do you think if anyone in my life recognized those things i would be seeking help as a fucking adult????? hello???????????
it sucks how if you’re neurodivergent in any way and undiagnosed/untreated past the age of 18 you have to jump through 500 hoops and spend $50000000 to get any medical professional to believe you
it sucks how if you’re neurodivergent in any way and undiagnosed/untreated past the age of 18 you have to jump through 500 hoops and spend $50000000 to get any medical professional to believe you
how the email finds me
WARNING : Do not consume these two drugs Together. May result in the most awesome time ever, or death