
It’s funny how conservatives do the NPC β€œI am angry about the current issue” meme shit when they literally all forgot to be angry about the economy and got scared of immigrants again at the exact same time
A handy distillation of how the election has evolved.
Side note really troubled about how quickly the left got a really conservative mindset about immigration over exactly the same time period
Everyone got more worried and that includes some democrats. We all live in a fucked up information ecosystem so that is mostly inevitable unless it is a clearly partisan issue. And I wish it were, I wish democrats would stop negotiating with themselves and recognize immigration as our strength.
Certainly would be preferable to hearing the words "migrant crisis" coming uncritically out of left wing mouths without any sort of framing or breakdown as if it's not a seriously overblown issue
I mean to take one source for context: contrast NPR immigration coverage from a year ago with boots on the ground in south Mexico covering the dangers, testimonials, tear jerking stories of horrid violence in their home countries, to the pearl-clutching they've been doing now. It's exhausting
I defy anyone to go meet one immigrant, talk to them and then tell them to get out. Not only are they people but they are often hugely sympathetic - it is the norm. If the norm were the picture they paint we’d be living in a crime ridden hell - which they try to tell me my peaceful city is also.
I grew up surrounded by immigrants. From South America, from Africa, from the middle east. Harder working people than Ill ever be. And good people.
And many of them pushed here by the foreign policy of this shithole country
Yeah, the β€œrealists” came out of the woodwork to poo poo us recognizing obvious and harmful bad faith, saying we should grant the point to the racists. Democrats always try to follow the opinion polls and never shape opinion.