Cranky Canuck

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Cranky Canuck

🇨🇦🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈Ally - A cranky snowman from Canada & very much a fan of democracy. #BLM #resistfascism #StandWithUkraine
So X, the "free speech" app, has shut me down for a week for calling out Trump's shooter as one of his own. I was right.
Someone took a shot at Trump? I suspect his own people. Trust NOTHING a fascist says. Get the FBI on the case.
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the "liberal media" everyone
Fuck out of here MSNBC
Do NOT STOP posting about Trump and Epstein. Now we know where all this evil pedo talk has been coming from! A group of compromised billionaire rapist perverts likely own most of our media and have been raping our minds and democracy for decades. NO MORE!
Still, the largest media outlets continue to drone on about a bad Biden debate and Trudeau hate, while refusing to present the fact that Trump is a legitimate pedo! WHY???👇
Trump’s alleged ‘sexual proclivities’ graphically detailed in new Epstein The new papers contain ‘incendiary claims’ about the former president
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Is anyone paying fucking attention!? Democracy in crisis matters more than poll numbers. News outlets ignore the erosion of democratic norms and the impending disaster. Journalists need to listen to experts, not just cover politics as usual. This isn't about parties—it's about democracy itself.
Can anyone tell me why MSM continues to drone on about Biden’s age and ignore the latest Trump/Epstein bombshell? Anyone?!?👇
Haha! We all used to think votes selected our Prime Ministers and Presidents! Turns out it’s ALWAYS been the creeps who own the MSM! 👇
The rise of fascism today is fucking terrifying, and the role of right-wing Catholics and white evangelicals is one of the most disturbing parts. They actually think they can control these evil bastards to do good. Wake up! They're leading us straight to fucking disaster.💔👇
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If there are no debate questions about the felony convictions... OR If there are "both sides" questions about Hunter Biden "for balance" ...then the media should finally be dismantled and replaced with one of those wind-up monkeys that bang the cymbals together
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The irony is the system is designed that we mostly pay for the promotion of the politicians that support the wealthy Galen Weston, Fred Mannix, The Rogers & Bitove families, The Munk's Aurea Foundation that finances the Frontier Centre for Public Policy with heartland..
#PierrePoilievre charged 🇨🇦taxpayers nearly $4 MILLION over a 6 month period, in addition to his taxpayer paid mansion, chef, chauffeur, pension. He does nothing for his constituents & has been unlawfully campaigning since the last election. Now this? Who’s paying for this new campaign RV? #cdnpoli
I think it needs to be said often and loudly, it’s NOT poor people fucking the world up right now.👇
Hey everybody! Quick status update: It’s been a grind the past couple of years, & I've had 2 take some time 2 focus on myself. I'm planning to get back to production by the end of summer. U guys rock, & I can't wait 2 share the next batch of cartoons with u. Thanks for sticking with me! ❤️🤘🥶
I guarantee you, when Russia finally tanks, 60% or more of MAGA fuckwits and alt-right assholes will vanish into thin air. They’re nothing without that Russian lifeline—cut the cord, and watch them scatter like roaches when the lights come on.
Welcome to all today's new followers! As Twitter continues its inevitable right-wing meltdown, I'm feeling this place will become our new home as things evolve. Slowly but surely, I'll get this place organized. Many great follows from Twitter are already here.😎
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Hey GPT, show me a snapshot of the CPC headquarters right now!🍿🍾👇
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Hey GPT, show me a snapshot of the CPC headquarters right now!🍿🍾👇
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“A SPECTER IS HAUNTING right-wing dissident Substackers—the specter of Renée DiResta.” My book is reviewed in The Bulwark today — and it’s a very entertaining read! 😊
Influencers, Bullshitters, and How We Lost a Shared A new book explores the ambiguous dominion of those who feign expertise online for clout.
No matter how ridiculous it all gets, we can take some joy and comfort knowing that this is the future for Alex Jones and Infowars.🤣👇
Holy fuck, guys! I just got back from X and won’t believe the shit that’s going down!🍿🍾👇
With all the whining, crying, and moaning about fake “conservative”persecution in the world, I have three little words for all you whiny bitches: "FUCK YOUR FEELINGS" Justice is coming. 🖕
The conviction of Trump has energized millions to fight again. Ukraine is now targeting Russia, and it's joyful to laugh at fools defending their alternative realities. This energy is what we need to defeat fascism. Let's crush these bastards!🤘🥶👇
First, they told us this orange motherfucker COULDN'T be indicted. THEN they told us he would NEVER be convicted. NOW they tell us he CAN'T go to prison. Well, I'm betting an orange jumpsuit is in this fascist fuck's future. 🍿🍿🍿🍾🍾🍾
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Donald Trump was found guilty on Thursday of all 34 felony counts of falsifying business records, related to hush money paid to the porn star Stormy Daniels to cover up a sex scandal around the 2016 presidential election. Here’s a breakdown of the counts.
Join us tomorrow, May 30th at Queen’s Park to tell Dougie we won’t quietly watch him fund beer in corner stores while our healthcare crumbles! I’ll be there with a few Ice Cold friends handing out free shirts! See you there!🤘🥶
Maybe if our ER rooms started selling beer they would get some funding.👇
No one accidentally uses the words “unified Reich” in a post that gains national attention for 19 hours, inspiring thousands of self-confirmed Nazis. This is a crystal-clear strategy to speak to the dregs of humanity. Any attempt to rationalize it is pure denial.👇