
constitutional lawyers use your fucking brain challenge
the world in which the president is throwing his opponents in jail is not a world where you can just ask a judge to let you out
Related, if trump is summarily deporting citizens under his new mass deportation regime, citizenship and an ability to appeal to the law isn’t going to get people back in the country. The executive runs border security
I’m pretty sure Customs and Border Patrol can also do warrantless searches within 100 miles of any border, land or sea, so 2/3 of the U.S. population.
Also, CBP regards major waterways as "borders" if they terminate in an body of water that has a national border (like, say, an ocean, or Lake Ontario). So e.g. they have been known to assert the right to warrantless search within 100 miles of the Mississippi.
Wait! That may be their Central Oregon authority. The Columbia River is huge and meanders. They may have been 100 miles from that.
In addition to taking concrete action to rein in the Court, we have got to demand a lot of powers that got expanded as part of War on Terror get sunsetted so they aren't also lying "about like a loaded weapon".
Instead of project 2025, liberals need like a Project 1999 for congress, roll back the unitary executive and out of control supreme court
In 2020, he sent them further than that. I tried to get a news outlet interested in finding out what authority they were using to be operating in Central Oregon which is more than 100 from a border or our coast. No luck.
Sotomayor's Seal Team Six hypo hits hard (where is she legally wrong? Roberts accuses her of hyperbole but where is she wrong??), but where the Criminal Presidency really worries me is with CBP and ICE, particularly that it's at the core of Trump's ideology & priorities, and staffed with MAGA cops
Roberts can't imagine ever being on the business end of it
Biden can kill two birds with one Seal Team…
(1) Americans are *already* sometimes deported by mistake (often happens with someone with serious mental health issues leading to decreased capacity); and (2) Although Americans have the legal right to return to the US, as you note, how will that right be vindicated?