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Comrades, it is still OK to leave me behind. I'm still not as fierce as you but after following you all this long it's mostly because I'm tired.
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Reposted byAvatar OldHippieChick
We live in an emerging new dark ages only this time we can’t see the truth because of a blizzard of misinformation rather than a destruction of knowledge. The Bright Ages.
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Google’s emissions are up 48% in 5 years. Microsoft’s are up 30% since 2020. Those soaring figures are being driven by mass investments in data centers to power AI tools. Generative AI is a climate disaster and data center expansion must be stopped.
Generative AI is a climate disasterdisconnect.blog Tech companies are abandoning emissions pledges to chase AI market share
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Reposted byAvatar OldHippieChick
This, I believe, is the actual reason for Biden’s weak numbers relative to 2020. We were told democracy was on the ballot and he would solve the threat, only for us to be in even greater danger 4 years later, with no answer except the one he gave us before
Every four years, American voters have to vote like there's a "Thanos level" threat to US democracy, but when American politicians get into office, they don't approach politics like democracy is on the line. They don't show respect for that democracy that so many voters came out to "save."
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for Portland-area folks, here are resources from Multnomah County on dealing with the heat wave, including cooling centers - stay safe and hydrated www.multco.us/hot
Help for When It's Hotwww.multco.us Information about cool spaces, cooling centers and other resources during the hot weather.
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I’m not a reporter but I did have a blogroll once, so here’s some follow-ups for the former president that seem important: which parts of Project 2025 do you disagree with? Would you appoint anyone to your admin that is supporting it? How do you feel about the “bloodless if the left allows” comment?
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We know we don't have much time left so we've been spending a lot of time with America for its last birthday. Plenty of hugs, taking pictures. My niece is in film school, and got the camera out and interviewed it about what it was like growing up, just trying to record memories while we have them.
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Happy independence day to all who remember why we declared independence and a very fuck off to those who think kings are good actually.
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Ftr I don't know what the best move for the Dems is re: Biden stepping down, and they don't care what people like me think anyway. I am focused on what I know how to do and what I believe we should all be doing with our political energy right now.
Take a Deep Breath and Think About What You Need to Doorganizingmythoughts.org How powerful will we choose to become as the world falls down and what will we have the potential to build?
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"Lawsuits are slow, they are complicated, they are often decided on arbitrary technicalities or total nonsense, and being so costly they are hideously biased toward the rich and well-connected." prospect.org/justice/amer...
American Government-by-Lawsuit Is a Disasterprospect.org Judicial review is not just anti-democratic, it strangles ordinary governance.
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Reposted byAvatar OldHippieChick
Very generally be nice to anyone customer facing - they have no power and are absolutely not the reason everything sucks
Please be nice to pharmacy staff. Most stores are understaffed and overworked, and that was before Riteaid closed and sent a tidal wave of patients to every other outlet. These people help keep us alive.
The Heritage Foundation wants to wish us all a Happy 4th of July, having just had the justices they purchased attempt to unilaterally alter our system of government. I think his gloating is premature.
sure it’s heritage being heritage, but their continued escalation of the violent rhetoric and threats is not to be taken lightly. especially not after j6
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A conversation on our Discord has prompted me to say again: remember, y'all, what really sells books is not the author talking about their work, but *readers* talking about it. Word of mouth drives far more sales than advertising or any other engine. So if you loved a book, tell your friends!
As I rapidly approach the age to sign up for Medicare, I realize how the creeping privatization of the system has fucked us all. Navigating the decisions is a fucking nightmare and, clearly, the goal is to transfer as many resources as possible into pharma or insurance companies.
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I wish Biden would stop doing Trump's work and instead of privatizing Medicare would work on getting Single Payer Medicare For All www.levernews.com/insurers-are... Private health insurers are systematically taking advantage of Medicare while denying care to seniors, a new report shows.
Insurers Are Gaming Medicare — To The Tune Of $140 Billionwww.levernews.com Private health insurers are systematically taking advantage of Medicare while denying care to seniors, a new report shows.
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No high school economics course shouldn't include students scrolling this chart for themselves. The scale of the wealth of the ultra rich simply isn't possible to even conceive without visual aids. mkorostoff.github.io/1-pixel-weal...
Wealth, shown to scalemkorostoff.github.io Wealth inequality in the United States is out of control. Here we visualize the issue in a unique way.
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RT only if you are NOT becoming more conservative as you grow older.
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You would think that Barack Obama would never utter the name of Libya. But he does just that. Why? Read my latest in Black Agenda Report. www.blackagendareport.com/why-barack-o...
I had no idea about any of this. Of course, in the 90s, I barely listened to contemporary music as I was a newlywed starting a new career.
I don't think I've ever talked on Bluesky about why I hate the Foo Fighters and Dave Grohl. Don't read any further unless you're prepared for uncomfortable truths about the "Nicest Guy in Rock", and his very substantial body count & subsequent cover-up.
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The federal government will again offer free Covid-19 tests through the mail, HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra told reporters Wednesday, amid an uptick in the number of Covid hospitalizations. www.politico.com/news/2023/09...
Feds to restart mail-order Covid test programwww.politico.com “The president wanted to make sure that no one can go without tests," HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra said.
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📢📢📢📢📢 JEWS!! Reminder!! If fasting for Yom Kippur would harm you in ANY way—physically, but also psychologically, emotionally, etc— it is quite literally a mitzvah to eat. Amazing resources here:
Home | A Mitzvah to Eatwww.amitzvahtoeat.org A Mitzvah to Eat is a pluralistic social network and online resource hub for Jews who need accommodations for Jewish ritual practices due to health conditions, disabilities, trauma, and more.
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Reposted byAvatar OldHippieChick
There is no greater condemnation of Capitalism than "War is good for business"
Another tired refugee fleeing the site that used to be Twitter. Unless I change my ways, you'll mostly see reskeets from me. With occasional cat pictures. But I remain happy to be here.