
Oh, how is this Biden's fault, you ask? Well, I'm glad u did bc
Hey parents, if your child has debilitating anxiety, please do not pay a bunch of strangers huge amounts of money to kidnap them out of their beds at night & blackbag transport them to an undisclosed location where they will experience up to years of severe torture and quite possibly being murdered
Pro-tip: If u ever find yourself defending the widespread practice of caging children by patiently, like a saint, explaining how all these kids are actually inhuman beast monsters who WILL kill again, go ahead and do us all a favor & invite your plugged in air fryer into your next bubble bath
This whole conversation is absurd like oh I work in the textile industry & I make textiles, I work in the tech industry & I make tech, I work in the troubled teen industry & I make
My state recently passed some laws that prioritize reform and rehabilitation in juvenile detention centers instead of being punishment-focused. Sadly, my local juvy is currently under investigation for abuse allegations…it’s sad. At least my governor is trying.
I just don't believe in my city or the surrounding counties that there actually are 100 kids every night of the year every year who are all too dangerous to spend the night literally anywhere but inside a government cage
And yet! There they are! About 100 kids in cages just here in my city! And if I try to help get them out, I will be caged at best but almost certainly killed to death by police shooting guns at me FEELS WEIRD TO LIVE LIKE THIS ACTUALLY
It’s honestly so sad. In my senior year of high school my English class had to read Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson and one of the parts that really hit hard was this kid that was incarcerated that Bryan had to represent in court. Absolutely destroyed me. I’m so glad my teacher had us read it, though.
It's fair for us to all to hurt at least a little while these kids with zero codified human rights of their own who will be hunted and caught and taken back to their abusers by the police should they escape can't escape their pain, pain that more kids could be safe from with just a few penstrokes
Those people definitely have air fryers.
Listen I'll ride for my air fryer and idc who knows it
I can't lie. I bought one during the pandemic. Used it twice. It sat for two years then went to Goodwill.