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CompSci, security, SF/F, UK/US politics, feminism, disability, collies. May also contain dangerous levels of Snark. Formerly @deborah_c at the bird place. Librarian groupie and tea drinker
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Labour is seeking a sweeping joint declaration with the EU to usher in a wide-ranging security pact covering defence, energy, the climate crisis, pandemics and even illegal migration, Foreign Secretary David Lammy tells The Guardian.
Labour to seek joint declaration with EU on wide-ranging security Exclusive: Foreign secretary says deal would allow UK to work more closely with bloc on issues such as defence and energy
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What do you call a kofta-style ground pork kabob with the sweet and savory seasonings of Chinese roast pork? Delicious, that's what.
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purriodic elements combine in different ways
..and now it’s time for Sunday Science..
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A long time ago, a friend convinced me to go help this little con in Albany, NY. If you had asked me if I thought that 26 years later it would be 17,639 attendees with 3300+ fursuits in the parade and raise more than $100k in charity. I would have laughed at you. #anthrocon #anthrocon2024
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All of the people indulging in these fantasy Democratic primary scenarios think that people vote reflexively because it’s what they themselves do; they don’t realize that turnout is a product of hard work. Unseen, unheralded work. By unseen, unheralded people.
I don’t know why they think pissing off the door-knockers and canvassing power of the party will end well, but these people don’t understand what they refuse to see
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The backlash from base voters who very explicitly demanded a Black woman as VP (and on the Court) as our “seat at the table” in exchange for our electoral organizing…whew, you are not prepared. But almost all of the white alternatives are, and it’s why they keep saying no.
by choosing anyone other than harris to replace biden should he decide to step aside, the party would be revealing they very cynically chose her as veep for optics without believing she could actually be president.
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Ha, flipped back over to FB for two seconds and found another. (Not Shoah-based this time thank fuck.) It's the Mafia! And don't people get that those guys tend to KNOW they're breaking the law?
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Google “Massachusetts crisis pregnancy” and this link pops up. It’s part of a statewide campaign, including public signage (highway billboards!), urging people to avoid crisis pregnancy/anti-abortion centers. The Commonwealth is not fucking around with this.
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Guy in Scotland continuously flying the flag of whoever's playing against England in the Euros
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“Fireworks are going off in the Place de la République in Paris. People are climbing the statue of France’s beloved Marianne, the Republic's personification of liberty, equality and fraternity… Despite any political differences between them, these voters stood together against the far right.”
French election results 2024: Projections show surprise lead for left The far-right National Rally, which hoped for an historic victory, appears to have been pushed into third place.
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BREAKING: Upside side down French flag spotted outside the Alitos' summer residence
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The French have what I want--a leftist victory, endless manga translations, and gorgeous comics collected editions.
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The opting out is especially wild Like, Republican governors are being actively presented with money to feed kids and affirmatively saying 'I would like children to starve actually' (Also, if I'm a Dem campaigner, I'm making some ads and placing some op eds about this immediately)
The governors of a dozen Republican-led states — AL, AK, FL, GA, IA, MS, OK, SC, SD, TX, UT, WY — opted out of a new federal food assistance program, leaving about 9.5 million students without the aid this summer
Republican-led states are blocking summer food benefits for hungry Money for food is especially tight for families in a dozen states where Republican lawmakers declined to accept federal food assistance.
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Here's some fashy tears for your Sunday.
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SCOTUS votes 6-3 that Le Pen gets to be President of France
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So voting is better than *not* voting when it comes to getting what you want? Huh.
BREAKING NEWS: Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which instead came in third in initial results as polling stations closed.
Projections in France's election show voters rejecting the far Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which ...
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loving this happy gargoyle guy who's being moved to a new spot and is clearly having the time of his life
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This is so cool! Frog & amphibian have been dessimated by the disease chytridiomycosis, caused by a fungal pathogen. Researchers have realised that the fungi is heat intolerant so little brick saunas for frogs can help kill the fungi! Recovered frogs more resistant to further infxn 🧪
These frog 'saunas’ could help endangered species fight off a deadly How a hot resting spot can help frogs survive chytridiomycosis infection, and the decades-long hunt for dark matter in black holes. Hear the biggest stories from the world of science | 3 July 2024
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Embodiment sucks sometimes and we all need a lil gem to tell us what we need, damn it.
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Rules lawyer Ginny strikes again
Technically, not on the counter Also technically, a fragile jelly bean
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Icymi: I made a feed that collects posts about seeing a cybertruck for the first time because I enjoy them (the posts not the car) so much
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Anyway, happy Adoption Day to the terrible little guy who lives in my house! I adopted Fiasco on July 7, 2022 and on his very first day in a strange new house he was the BRAVEST BOY He settled right in, ate a full bowl of food, and let me cuddle him
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this is how my posts are written
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#SundayPixWall wall on the Grand Union Canal, decorated with a mural made of discarded rubbish from the canal.
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We're science fiction writers. Of course we write stories about the consequences of technological innovations, and no one ever comprehends the story is about the consequences and not the technology
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I know they get rolled all the time but for the Times to get rolled by “actually they just want to reclaim the values of Western civilization as they see it … with larger families and fewer immigrants” is the Times putting the 14 words in the paper
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my super serious son says hi btw 🐾
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time to push labour left *starts bulldozer*