Sergio Sarcagian, "The Desert Diva"

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Sergio Sarcagian, "The Desert Diva"

the blood may be fake but the bleeding's not. Milwaukeean
Finished Sea of Stars and then 100%ed for the “true ending.” Great game, outstanding soundtrack, really brilliant sense of navigation of space; the only game in its peer group to pull off a specific plot device with completely earned pathos
If you're up late dicking around on the computer, why not vote for my wife in the Penthouse Pet of the Year finals?
happy birthday to my beautiful wife Renee. she's in the finals for Penthouse's Pet of the Year and it would be so nice if you voted for her :) she was January:
Playing Mass Effect with my wife and while she’s figured out twin joystick aiming and navigation very well, she has run aground of the dumbest thing in 2000s-era video games: vehicle navigation
On July 16, Film Fatale presents a double-feature of Cruising and Scorpio Rising. Because we care about film preservation, we will give away four things of VHS head cleaner to the winners of our "cruise a stranger" contest!
Mr. Biden has been scheduled to appear on Howard Stern. Whether he will ride the Sybian is a topic of fierce debate among White House advisors.
fellow weebs may recognize -196 as the milder international version of Strong Zero. It's in the States, baby!
N-E-Way check out my sick haul from the liquor store
Someone is yelling at me on twitter for sharing a blog post about Covid apocalypse grifters, alleging that "1/104" people are currently infected with Covid. I would like a citation for that statistic.
My Fourth of July present to you is this relic from the past: a decade ago, for a fan remake of Robocop, Fatal Farm (of Lasagna Cat fame) remade the scene where Robocop shoots a guy in the dick. INSANELY NSFW:
Our Robocop Remake - Scene This is our contribution to the crowd-sourced remake of Robocop. Check out the full movie at Thanks to Dave Seger for organizing the whole…
What with all the overmedication for ADHD, depression, and anxiety in children — these days you'd have to call it "Honey, I 'Shrink'-ed The Kids".
Really doing a 180 on Sea of Stars. The writing isn’t nearly as bad as reviews said it was and the soundtrack is A-tier. I like the combat and the 4th character makes the party really hum along. I guess I would have liked more skills per character but it’s not a big deal.
My wife has started up her fourth game of Baldur's Gate. She makes the same character every time. It is the only video game she has ever played and she's beaten it twice. She is a perfect gamer.
Part of the mystique of my beautiful wife is the way she loads a dishwasher—patterns indiscernible guided by an unknowable logic. I thought my dad was just being picky about how to put the dishes in, but it turns out he was understating the importance of having a system; of being religious about it
After Gritty took Philly by storm in 2017 and Mr + Mrs. Met won the hearts of New York City, I thought Wilmington might also be ready for a mascot with a bit of an edge. But I must admit, Commissioner, that the Cape Fear Asexual Menace has been received poorly.
Say what you will about social media; but it’s proven a great way to tell the other members of St. James Presbyterian Church that we are shunning Linda Davies; that she did something heinous and we will never tell her what; that we must look upon her with contempt & whisper when she turns her back.
Used to be a fella could scatter garbage all over a lady’s lawn, unsort her mail, maybe park too close to her car, and he could retire at 60. Me, I’m out here beaming AM radio into her teeth via a relay I installed on her dog’s collar & I still can’t afford rent—and don’t ask about my student loans!
Ah, the world! Oh, the world!
I keep coming back to "all this for literally Donald Trump," but it fits. There's not some more competent aspiring autocrat who'd somehow "earn" or "win" this. This is how it has always gone: feckless/evil elites attaching themselves to the sociopath they believe will get them where they want to go.
the "requests" folder of the Hawk Tuah girl's Instagram DMs must be among the most rancid places on the internet. any time an attractive woman indicates she likes having sex a certain kind of man shoots steam from his ears, but if she has a southern accent? Siri play Toby Keith! Siri open Instagram!
from the archives: if you're trying to build a histogram in SQL and don't want to use a stupid CASE statement, use floor() ex: to bucket people by age in groups of 10 years, use floor(age / 10) * 10 to get: 10-19, 20-29, etc perhaps this will change your life as it changed mine
I think this would fix the NBA and heal America
Mohammed bin Salman has expressed "great interest" in purchasing the Boston Celtics and is forming an exploratory committee, sources say
this newspaper headline is the 1930 version of encountering an incomprehensible trending story about some Twitch streamer with 4 million followers
Many women I know have encountered at least one micropenis. I think the surprising prevalence of these little guys, alongside "fear of being gay" and impotence, contributes to some specifically masculine antisocial behaviors. Not a coincidence that unsolicited dick picks often feature weird cocks.
Poker is a fine game that has been tortured to the point of death by metaphor