If Ukraine had simply been properly armed in 2014 instead of Europe acting like Russia is still someone they just need to calm down and then they can have a rational conversation with, the Russians would be trying to break through to Donetsk right now, not Chasiv Yar.
The upper bound best estimate of the energy usage of _every data center in the world combined_ (whether used for AI or not) is 1.3% of total world energy usage. Breathless predictions that AI could use 50% of the world’s electricity by 2030 are self-serving hype. We can’t make chips that fast.
You think highway widening would by now be discredited as a traffic congestion reduction tool - but not in Massachusetts
sacrificing yourself won’t change what’s happening in gaza, or anywhere else. not even literally burning yourself alive. sacrificing the vulnerable people you share this country with won’t, either. sacrificing our future won’t give them a better one. our pain won’t take their pain away.
Also the specter of “foreign buyer” is a stupid boogeyman that smuggles in a lot of xenophobic and inaccurate assumptions. Roughly 50% of “foreign buyers” each year are people like I once was before my green card: people holding visas working and living in the US who decided to buy a property.
Does anyone have a good list on what didn’t get done on the New Haven Line from that project?
Remembering when a bunch of perfectly reasonable people blocked me because I had the audacity to say that whether it's your language or not, referring to white people, not actual Caucasians, as "Caucasian", is actively confusing.
"‘Well, Gordon’s great insight was to design a program which allowed you to specify in advance what decision you wished it to reach, and only then to give it all the facts [...] to construct a plausible series of logical-sounding steps to connect the premises with the conclusion."
This, of course, is what happens when media is state-controlled and information ecosystems are hermetically sealed. I remember learning Andropov was dead bc Russian TV suddenly started playing opera.
If you want to follow events as they unfold, here's where you can. It's bad. Bad bad.
Terrorist attack at concert hall outside Moscow Latest updates — .
People of Russia, I say this to you in the bluntest and most honest possible way: even you deserve better than this shit. Who is to blame for letting those murderers into that theatre hall is eminently obvious. Topple him now and rejoin the civilised world.
I feel sorry for everyone too young to have ever degaussed a monitor. PAAAAAANG
Question to Israeli citizen followers: on X, is expressing worry that he won't even get an ESTA authorization to the US as an Israeli (and Russian) citizen without a job. Is it your experience with US visas too? I thought refusal rates to Israelis were very low...
Russia has been downplaying this since June, which is pretty compelling evidence that they *know* they did it
A new investigation on Russia's cover up of the murder of hundreds of Ukrainians in the occupied Kherson region by the destruction of Kakhovska Dam. The AP spoke to 3 health workers, a volunteer who buried bodies, two informants from the occupied Oleshky and others.
Russia covered up and undercounted true human cost of floodings after dam explosion, AP AP investigation finds that Russian occupation authorities vastly and deliberately undercounted the dead in one of the most devastating chapters of the war in Ukraine.
Please reskeet furiously: I'm getting rid of most of my vintage computer collection! I have made a Google doc of all that I have on offer! Many working machines are even free!
Armenian, Afghani, Yemeni, Ethiopian, and Mountain Jews are just some of the various Jewish ethnicities where 70% or more of their population now resides in Israel due to forced or coerced migration by their home states. Yemeni Jews in particular have a diaspora of exactly One Person.
a fun fact to know is that the paper that originally kicked off this bullshit statistic was written by someone who hates cats and was convicted of trying to kill her neighborhood cats with rat poison
Not only that but outdoor cats are the reason why over 63 species of native animals had gone extinct and over billions and billions of birds daily. It really doesn't benefit anybody.
Opinion: Smithsonian bird researcher is convicted of trying to poison This article was originally on a blog post platform and may be missing photos, graphics or links.
when you find UXO, or unexploded ordnance, follow the 3 Rs: Recognize, Retreat, and Report do not fuck with it, it might be your last
all street running light rail vehicles should be fitted with a terrifying wedge to emphasize that you will lose against this vehicle
End of feed.