
I support everyone’s right to vote as seems best to them. Having said that if you have the choice of a moderate Left government (vs a fascist Right) & you choose not to vote for them because you’re so angry with them for not being further to the Left… I reserve my right to find that reasoning silly
I am British and excited about our upcoming moderate Left government. There are things I disagree with them on! That’s OK, I can give my all to influencing them and they might actually pay attention, unlike a right wing government which definitely won’t.
I'm not voting for them because they haven't a hope in hell where I live, but I'm definitely not voting Tory. We so need to ditch FPTP.
Pragmatic vote-analysis reasons to vote for another party are not silly at all!
It is going to be nice to have someone I voted for actually represent me in Parliament. Will be the first time in the 32 years I've been able to vote that that's happened.
I’m a voter in Islington North! INTERESTING TIMES over here.