
Being overweight can be protective, some people who are obese are also metabolically healthy, and not all fat is bad. This is a fun & insightful story about a complex, contested & important area of research 🧪 by on Scientific American
People Who Are Fat and Healthy May Hold Keys to Understanding “Heavy and healthy” can be a rare or common condition. But either way it may signal that some excess weight is just fine
We really need to get over our society's obsession with thinness. Being too thin may be worse than being too heavy. Some extra body fat helps you get through times of sickness. No body fat means no reserves.
My body consumed 25 lbs of body fat last year when my digestive system was wiped out by a severe allergic reaction to GMO corn. Without that I might not be here.
Exactly. When I got covid last fall I lost over ten pounds before I got better.