
one very practical reason to avoid transphobia is it seems to turn its adherents into deranged, obsessive fuckin freaks
Sorry wouldn’t normally put her on the timeline but this might be the most insane thing j k rowlings ever written
As a 'straight lefty man' my first question would be "penised what?" and why assume that transgender women are automatically lesbian, and if so, why does it matter, fucking get over yourself.
"penised" is just a telling phrase. people are just their genitals for these sickos
Yeah, exactly. I'm guessing her wealth has isolated her from people who would challenge her and steer her back from the abyss, telling her just how unhinged she sounds. Her so-called lefty straight friend is not doing her any favors by not calling her out.
She never refers to him as a friend. He could very well be an employee at one of the companies she works with, or possibly a hapless service worker whom she noticed wearing a pride flag pin.
Yeah, it was a "straight lefty man she knows" so could be anybody.