
one very practical reason to avoid transphobia is it seems to turn its adherents into deranged, obsessive fuckin freaks
Sorry wouldn’t normally put her on the timeline but this might be the most insane thing j k rowlings ever written
As a 'straight lefty man' my first question would be "penised what?" and why assume that transgender women are automatically lesbian, and if so, why does it matter, fucking get over yourself.
"penised" is just a telling phrase. people are just their genitals for these sickos
Yeah, exactly. I'm guessing her wealth has isolated her from people who would challenge her and steer her back from the abyss, telling her just how unhinged she sounds. Her so-called lefty straight friend is not doing her any favors by not calling her out.
She never refers to him as a friend. He could very well be an employee at one of the companies she works with, or possibly a hapless service worker whom she noticed wearing a pride flag pin.
Yeah, it was a "straight lefty man she knows" so could be anybody.
There is absolutely no way she'd consider a trans woman 'okay' if they don't have a penis, the SPECTER of penis continues to haunt our SOULS for eternity, regardless of our actual genitals.
I probably sound ignorant when it comes to these issues though I do try to learn enough so that I don't inadvertently or ignorantly offend anyone. I can honestly say it's because I've had a 'live and let live' attitude, so I just let 'em be whatever they are. Southern Baptists worry me more.
My wife used to work for the local pride center, so I've hung out with people of all stripes. When someone like Rowling uses her platform to spread such hate and intolerance, I just have to shake her head. Unfortunately, her attitude is not unique or even that rare, even in the pride community.
I agree. The local pride center where I used to live became a client of mine during a time of turmoil for them. This was about 20 yrs ago, so the trans issue wasn't as much in the conversation. I sat on an interview panel for new CEO & we had a trans woman candidate. In the end, they hired a cis M.
I believe a few months after my wife left the trans community decided to splinter off to form their own center because the pride center director started going full TERF.
In my experience, it's not unusual for there to be turf (no pun intended) wars and personality conflicts that detract from the overall mission of NGOs. In that org I mentioned, it was struggle (seemed to me) between AIDs focused vs other and/or lesbian v gay men. They may have split to 2 orgs.
But I also saw this power struggle in a local LWV group! (Also a long time ago) I was the 'young one' when I got involved in my 40s. lol It happens in Little League boards, etc. No wonder the right wing wins - somehow they generally manage to remember who to fight against. Us.