
as much as i think that debate was bad for biden i also find myself contemptuous of the assorted libs having a full blown panic attack
I have been using words which are much less kind about them. It's a disgraceful spectacle.
It's like they've never seen an election before. Elections are close and scary sometimes! Grow up! This kind of public bed wetting just makes you (and the candidate) look weak. Don't do it.
A close election. Against a literally demented felon. In this context, this take doesn't make you look like the savvy sage you think you are.
I don't get the argument here. If you're saying this election is MORE important than usual (something which I agree with!) then it's all the MORE important not to collectively look like a bunch of cringing cowards sprinting away from the candidate whom we NEED to win this thing.
People need to fucking suck it up and act like they've been here before, is what I'm saying. This isn't a game.
This exactly! Like I know why my side is like this, I know to expect it—we have been here almost exactly before after Obama’s 2nd debate—but it’s still just beyond maddening how bad this is today. No one is helped by it. Quite the opposite!
Going camping in a little bit, won’t have any internet till Sunday evening. Couldn’t come at a better time!