
Honest answer: we don’t fucking know. The discarding of Chevron, coupled with the determination a rule may be challenged from the moment of harm and not from the moment the rule was made, throws more or less the entirety of administrative law - the basis of a regulatory system - into flux.
Honest question, how does what the SCOTUS is doing affect those teaching and learning in law school today?
Like, when I say the impact of the last week of rulings can’t be understated, I mean it because Chevron was like…a foundational thing for administrative law for the last four decades.
Add into that the determination that we can’t prosecute a president who commits a crime if it’s an official act, coupled with the absolute lack of definition as to what constitutes an official act, and we have no fucking clue.
Also, little pissed the reasoning for the latter was “We don’t want a president to be concerned about criminal culpability because it may stop them from acting!” and I mean, actually, yes, I want our executive to be considering whether they’re breaking the fucking law before acting.
It’s like “The President is responsible for the execution and enforcement of the laws, so if he has to break a few of those laws to do so, you know, sometimes you gotta kill the patient to cure the disease.”
And with all respect to my friends in the military and who have served in the military but “The military won’t obey an illegal order” is not comforting because I have met a number of members of our military who absolutely fucking will.
Like, I know a lot of good servicemembers who will balk at plainly illegal and immoral orders. But I also know some guys who completely made me understand how that whole “just following orders” thing got started
At this point, which orders are actually illegal, since the president is now immune for criminal actions while acting in official capacity.
If "punishable by a fine" means "legal for a price" then "not punishable at all" surely just means "legal."
Hauling out the good ol' Final Fantasy Tactics classic, with a bonus for these times:
Honestly, that’s the big issue and will likely result in anyone decent in the military being imprisoned, executed (if in a war zone), or just a mass exodus because right now… ANY orders the president gives are now legal, as long as it’s an official order. My career will probably be over within…
30 days if T takes the office again. Whether I want it to be or not.