

Artist, cook, Francophile, bi-petual lover of garlic
P.S. I'm so sorry for what you experienced as a child. I know from my own...
Therein lies those deportees fate....
Exactly! I wondered what Vance has to say about violence in marriages when the woman is the violent one.
Now that he knows it, Elon's probably got the cave staked out for himself.
Something tells me those the felon deports won't be going by plane. Trucks and/or cattle cars will be more like it.
Don't go there, Audrey!
Everyone knows what a positive influenc violence has kids' characters.
"ON kids' characters". grrr....
AND, he does what ever Vlad tells him to do.
You give the felon way too much credit. Since Nixon the GOP has openly leaned more far right (and all that entails)with each election cycle. Putin saw his chance to invade from within and took it. The felon is Vlad's paid offpuppet as are all the magas in D.C.
Coors has a long history of supporting right wing extremism.
I'll bet he'd make his wife and child go full term as he regales in his white man christofascist superiority power.
I wonder how much posing in front of his bathroom mirror it took Vance to get that, "I'm a white man, do what I say and shut up" look down.
Sounds like he wants to rape women WITH an olive branch.
Corporations aren't people!
It's a "look at me" bandage and I will refrain from y feeling the whole thing was a set up and the loner/shooter they hooked was fodder for der fuhrer.
We have since learned a photographer needs a special lens/lights to capture anything like that in motion. Fake NYT corporate MSM propaganda.
Bedbug doesn't care how the children in these abusive marriages are effected psychologically or even physically. Christofascist male authoritarianism. Only white men need apply.
These photos are from today and no sign of any damage to the felon's ear?
Held my hound at her last minute of life on earth....
Outdoor cats face so many dangers and killing birds isn't good either.
I saw posted Bluesky was down earlier today. Is that why the timeline on my following page is totally screwed up?
Biden wiped the floor with Holt.
My take exactly. Holt should be ashamed of himself. Just another corporate MSM shill. I loved how Biden confronted Holt with MSM's disinformation and misinformation.
Vance is 39 years old. If the presidency was passed to him (should the felon "win") he could have a 50 year reign. The felon put life long presidency out there as a possibility.
Anyone watching the interview with Biden live on NBC?