
It’s a big story now! The superintendent got caught funneling school funds to his failing charter schools in Colorado.
JFC. Oh. Mike Miles, huh. OH. Dude ran for (Dem) Senate here. Didn’t get through the primary. Did raise a lot of money. Nobody ever saw where that went. Then he fucked with District 2 in Colorado Springs as superintendent. Lost the district a LOT of experienced teachers in a teacher shortage.
Jesus. The TEA really has a lot of explaining to do.
Given it was the Springs, and during that fad for tying teacher pay and promotion to student achievement using NCLB scores? And that school district is the south Springs, so a lot of those kids are there because their parents are at Fort Carson, Petersen, Schriver, or Norad. And have been elsewhere.
As perverse incentives go that was definitely one of the most perverse
Yeah. It might have worked with a carve-out for schools with at least 30% military kids, and to treat that carve-out as its own super-district in terms of data. But even that is quite a lot of wishful thinking. But conservatives LOVE the idea of punishing teachers for doing the work.
Hey you've got a job with meaning how dare you expect to be fairly paid as well.